Related Terms:
1) rtog pa/ thought or awareness: a) rnam
rtog conceptual thought, which is an obstacle to religious
practice in Bsm: gzhan las thos pa dang rang gis deb klog pa sogs
ga re yin yang /,,de tsho'i don la bsam blo btang tshad rnam rtog
red/ whatever one thinks about the meaning of that which is heard
from another or read in a book by oneself, is an idea-construction
(TRC 165), rnam par rtog pa/ conceptualization (KBT 45), mi rtog
pa/ non-conceptuality (KBT 112), yang dag pa'i rtog pa/ right
thought, a point on the Eightfold Path 'phags pa'i lam yan lag
brgyad/ (KBT 60), b) gross conscious awareness; e.g. the ability
to identify a pot as a pot (KBT 26), so sor rtog pa'i ye shes/
the wisdom of discrimination (KBT 68); 2) rtogs pa/ insight or
realization gained through meditation; hence rtogs pas bsdus pa
drug the six qualities of Buddha's insight (TRI 110), rtogs par
shes pa/ cognition (KBT 99); 3) 'du shes/ perception, feeling,
discrimination: a) perception: 'du shes thams cad kyi nang nas mi
rtag pa'i 'du shes mchog yin/ of all perceptions, the perception
of impermanence is best (TRC 227), mi rtag pa sgom pa'i 'du shes/
the perception which meditates on impermanence (TRC 227), b)
feeling yong khyab gcen gcung phu nu'i 'du shes/ an attitude of
universal brotherhood and sisterhood (DLP 10), 'gro ba mi tshang
mar dga' nye'i 'du shes/ a feeling of closeness for all human
beings (DLP 15), gus bkur byed pa'i 'du shes ngo ma/ a real
feeling of respect for others (DLP 16), lha sa'i mi dmangs kyi
'tsho ba'i goms srol dang chos dad kyi 'du shes/ the living habits
and religious sentiments of the people of Lhasa (SLR 15), c) to
select one from among others, to discriminate or single out: nyon
mongs pa dang /,,kun slong /,,'du shes/ passions, motivation, and
singling out or discrimination are the three elements of non-virtue
(TRC 243); 4) rnam par shes pa/ sense or consciousness: rnam par
shes pa/ the consciousness aggregates: elements which make up the
senses in Bst. psychology (KBT 31): eye consciousness mig gi rnam
par shes pa/ ear consciousness rna ba'i rnam par shes pa/ (KBT
31), rnam par shes pa 'gags pa/ cessation of consciousness is one
of the cessations of the 12 links of internal dependent-arising
(KBT 38); 5) rnam shes/ consciousness, awareness: a) mind or
consciousness: rnam shes 'pho ba'i bu ga dgu/ the nine passages
for consciousness transference (CNG 120), rnam shes mtha' yas skye
mched/ the perception of infinite consciousness (KBT 106), sngon
yang rang sems rnam shes gcig pu zhig,,/'khyams shing las kyis
bdas nas 'dir skyes zin/ not long ago, your consciousness was
wandering alone; swept along by karma, it took this present birth
(HTE 172), b) sense, sensory power: rnam shes brgyad/ eight
consciousnesses (5 senses plus mental, afflictive, and foundational
(TRI 161), c) mar shes/ meditating on another being as having
been one's mother in a previous life: mar shes zer ba de sgom
dus/ when doing the so-called "understanding as mother" (TRC 329),
d) chog shes/ contentment: chog shes ldan na phyug dang ma phyug
med/ if you are contented, wealth does not make a difference (KPU
17); 6) nyams/ a secondary meaning of this term is thought, mind,
or spirit; frequently used in compounds: a) nyams sad/
temptation: nyams sad nang du ma 'khrid par/ lead us not into
temptation (Mt. 6:13), b) nyams len/ practice, application of a
theory, c) nyams chung / humility, weakness: nga khyed tsho'i
rtsar shin tu nyams chung bas/ I came to you in weakness (1 Cor.
2:3), d) nyams su myong ba/ to experience: dad pa ni re ba byas
pa'i dngos po rnams la blo gdeng dang /,,mig gis mi mthong ba rnams
nyams su myong ba de yin no/ faith is being sure of what we hope
for and certain of what we do not see (Heb. 11:1), e) nyams
tshod/ test or trial: khyod kyi nyams tshod len phyir/ in order
to test you (Rev. 2:10), f) nyams thag pa/ misery, suffering
(Rev. 3:17), g) nyams mgur/ a spiritual song revealing
meditational insights (TRI 93), h) nyams rtogs/ spiritual
realizations gained from experience and insight (TRI 93); 7) blo/
thought: sems dang blo gcig tu 'dag par gyur/ united in mind and
thought (1 Cor. 1:10 SV); 8) sems/ p. bsams/ to think: de'i
phyir nga'i bsam pa la/,,spun rnams sngar khyed rnams kyi rtsar
song nas/,,sngar khyed tshos khas blangs pa'i yon de bsgrub dgos
zhes zhu bar bsams so/ I thought it necessary to urge the brothers
to visit you in advance and finish the arrangements for the
generous gift you had promised (2 Cor. 9:5 SV).