Biblical: 1) the physical heart: rang gi snying la 'khur dgos/ he must carry it over his heart (Ex. 28:30); 2) the site of inner thoughts, feelings, and desires: snying gi bsam pa dang 'dod pa rnams mkhyen no/ [the Word of God] knows the thoughts and attitudes of the heart (Heb. 4:12), bsam ngan dang /,,mi gsod pa dang /,,log g.yem dang /,,'dod log dang /,,rku ba dang /,,rdzun gyi dpang po dang /,,skur 'debs ni snying gi nang nas 'ong ngo / from out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander (Mt. 15:19), dkon mchog gis khyed kyi snying mkhyen pas/ God knows your hearts (Lk. 16:15), bsam blo gtong gin snying la bzhag go [Mary] pondered them in her heart (Lk. 2:19). The heart is the center of spiritual activity in the life of man: gtso bos de'i snying phyes/ the Lord opened her heart (Acts 16:14), nyid kyi sras kyi thugs nyid khyed tsho'i snying du stsal te/ [God] sent the Spirit of his Son into your hearts (Gal. 4:6), khyod kyi snying bdud kyis khengs pa de ci yin/ how is it that Satan has so filled your heart (Acts 5:3), khyod kyi snying dkon mchog gi drung du drang po ma yin/ your heart is not right before God (Acts 8:21), de tsho'i dad pa'i rkyen gyis snying dag par mdzad de/ he purified their hearts by faith (Acts 15:9), dad med kyi snying ngan pa/ a sinful, unbelieving heart (Heb. 3:12), snying nas dad pa byed na/ if you believe in your heart (Rom. 10:9). In Biblical psychology the heart is also the seat of emotions: 1) sincerity: snying nas bzod par mi byed na/ unless you forgive from your heart (Mt. 18:35), rang gi snying hril po dang /,,sems hril po dang /,,yid hril po/ with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind (Mt. 22:37), snying nas dkon mchog gi thugs dgongs bzhin du g.yog byos shig doing the will of God from your heart (Eph. 6:6), nga tsho'i brtse ba'i snying 'byed do/ we opened wide our hearts to you (2 Cor. 6:11); 2) ardor: nga tsho'i snying ma dros sam/ were not our hearts burning (Lk. 24:32); 3) repentance: de thos nas de rnams kyi snying la zug ste/ they were cut to the heart (Acts 2:37); 4) sadness: nga'i snying gas par byed pa de ci yin/ why are you breaking my heart (Acts 21:13); 5) obstinacy: ya ho was phar o yi snying sra bar mdzad do/ the Lord hardened Pharaoh's heart (Ex. 9:12), khyed tsho'i snying gyong po yin pas/ because your hearts were hard (Mt. 19:8), snying mkhregs po/ stubborn hearts (Mk. 3:5); 6) desire: snying nas 'dod pas/ heart's desire (Rom. 10:1); 7) discouragement: nga tshos snying chung mi byed par/ we do not lose heart (2 Cor. 4:16); 8) fear: skrag nas snying rtsa 'dar/ to shake in the heart from fear (KTM).
Buddhist: The heart is the seat of moral action in Bsm; hence a "good heart" is one which has beneficial intentions toward others (BTT 4). Moral actions predicated of the heart include: 1) sincerity: snying nas gsod par 'dod pa/ a heartfelt desire to kill (TRC 243), snying thag pa nas/ sincerely, from the heart (TRC 331), snying gtam/ heartfelt advice (KPU 10), snying gi sgam/ the innermost part of one's heart (KPU 32), snying gi dkyil la/ in the center of one's heart (KPU 35); 2) affection, friendship, or love: dgra de la rang gi snying du gces pa'i yid 'ong byams pa/ a love which cherishes one's enemy from the heart (TRC 320), snying grogs/ a good friend (TRC 228), byams snying ldan/ compassionate (DLP 3), snying gi bu tsho snying nas rna ba nyon/ my spiritual sons, listen with your hearts (KPU 17), a ma'i snying / a mother's heart (KPU 29), snying rje/ compassion; 3) courage: snying stobs/ courage, strength, determination (TCR 1); 4) the heart represents the pith or essence of a topic: shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i snying po/ The Heart of Going to the Far Side of Wisdom (Tibetan title of the Heart Sutra); snying po'i lha chos/ the essence of the sublime dharma (religion) (HTE 172), snying po med pa/ without meaning or essence (HTE 202).
[hon. thugs/ ]
Biblical: mind, heart, soul: nga'i sems 'khrugs so/ my heart is troubled (Jn. 12:27), nga sems dga'/ my heart is glad (Acts 2:26), khyed tsho'i sems gso ba/ to encourage your hearts (Col. 4:8), sems ma 'pham/ don't lose heart (Heb. 12:5), sems lhod der sdod cig,,/khyod kyi sdig pa sel ba yin/ take heart; your sins are forgiven (Mt. 9:2), 'gyod pa mi skyed ba'i sems/ an unrepentant heart (Rom. 2:5 SV), khyed cag la gdung sems chen po skyes so/ their hearts will go out to you (2 Cor. 9:14 SV), sems drang por byos shig work at it with all your heart (Col. 3:23 SV).
Buddhist: see mind. Though the primary meaning of sems/ is mind, or consciousness, some compounds of sems/ are used to express mental or emotional states which in English are predicated of the heart: 1) sems sgyur ba/ to change one's heart as in coming to believe in a new religion (AMD); 2) sems dkrug pa/ a troubled or confused heart; one that is not at peace (AMD); 3) sems brlags/ changed in heart to a bad person (AMD); 4) sems bzang / good or kind heart; 5) sems ha cang dga' nas/ from a happy heart (KTM).
Biblical: mind, heart: blo dred po/ slow of heart (Lk. 24:25), da dung khyod tsho'i blo sgrib bam/ are your hearts still hardened (Mk. 8:17), blo mun pa ru gyur pas/ their hearts were darkened (Rom. 1:21), blo drang pos kha la nyon cig obey with sincerity of heart (Eph. 6:5), blo mi bde ba/ an anguished heart (2 Cor. 2:4), blo gros gi mig the eyes of your heart (Eph. 1:18 SV).
Buddhist: see mind.
Cognates: 1) blo pham/ sad (DLP 1); 2) blo yang bo/ light hearted (KTM); 3) blo g.yeng / worry or fear (DLP 3); 4) gzhan phan gyi blo zhig a spirit of cooperation (DLP 11); 5) blo gtad/ to trust (HTE 178); 6) bsam blo/ thought (KPU 35).
Biblical: mind, heart: yid la bdeng gnang nas/ encourage your hearts (2 Thes. 2:17), yid kyi nang du mi 'gro bas/ it doesn't go into his heart (Mk. 7:19), yid kyi nang nas 'dod log from out of the heart [come] evil desires (Mk. 7:21), khong gis bka' bkyon mdzad na yid ma 'pham/ do not lose heart when he rebukes you (Heb. 12:5 SV), thos pa rnams dang /,,de'i nang la bris pa'i bya ba rnams yid la 'chang ba rnams bde'o/ blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written (Rev. 1:3 SV).
Buddhist: see mind.
Secular: yid kyi rang sgra/ inner voice (title of a book of poems by Victor Hugo) (SBC-1 62).
Cognates: 1) yid mi bde ba/ unhappiness (KBT 39); 2) yid ches/ confidence, faith (TRC 74); 3) yid brtan/ trust, confidence (TRC 258).