Biblical: 1) the place where God dwells, heaven: nam mkhar bzhugs pa'i khyod tsho'i yab/ your Father in heaven (Mt. 5:16), nam mkha' ni dkon mchog gi bzhugs khri yin/ heaven is God's throne (Mt. 5:34), thugs nyid phug ron ltar nam mkha' nas babs/ the Spirit come down from heaven as a dove (Jn. 1:32), khong nam mkhar gdan drangs nas/,,dkon mchog gi phyag g.yas su bzhugs so/ he was taken up into heaven and he sat at the right hand of God (Mk. 16:19), de rnams kyi pho nyas nam mkha'i nang / their angels in heaven (Mt. 18:10), khyed kyi dgongs pa nam mkha' la/,,/sgrub ltar sa la'ang sgrub par shog your will be done on earth as it is in heaven (Mt. 6:10); 2) the skies, the heavens, outer space: dkon mchog gis nam mkha' dang sa bkod do/ God created the heavens and the earth (Gen. 1:1), dkon mchog gis dbyings kyi ming la nam mkha' btags so/ God called the expanse "sky" (Gen. 1:8), nam mkhar bltas bltas pa/ looking intently up into the sky (Acts 1:10), mi brgyud thams cad kyi nang nas/ from every nation under heaven (Acts 2:5), lha mo chen mo ar ti mi dang nam mkha' las babs pa khong gi sku 'dra/ the great goddess Artemis and of her image, which fell from heaven (Acts 19:35).
Common Phrases: nam mkha'i rgyal srid/ the kingdom of heaven (Mt. 3:2), khyod tsho'i nam mkha'i yab/ your heavenly Father (Mt. 5:48), nam mkha'i dpung tshogs/ the heavenly host (Lk. 2:13), nam mkha' ru khyed la rngan pa chen po yod/ great is your reward in heaven (Lk. 6:23), nam mkha' nas ltas shig a sign from heaven (Lk. 11:16), nam mkha' nas bag leb/ bread from heaven (Jn. 6:31), nam mkha'i zhal gzigs/ the heavenly vision (Acts 26:19), nam mkha'i zhing khams/ the heavenly realms (Eph. 1:20), nam mkha' las kyang 'phags pa/ exalted above the heavens (Heb. 7:26), nam mkha'i ye ru sha lem/ the heavenly Jerusalem (Heb. 12:22), nam mkha' nas sgra/ a voice from heaven (2 Pet. 1:18).
Buddhist: see world.
Biblical: 1) the sky: gnam nas skar ma lhung 'gyur te/ the stars will fall from the sky (Mt. 24:29), gnam nas char pa babs/ rain fell from the sky (Jas. 5:18); 2) heaven: gnam gyi sprin gyi steng na 'byon pa/ coming on the clouds of heaven (Mt. 26:64), gnam nas me dang mu zi babs nas/ fire and sulfur rained down from heaven (Lk. 17:28,29), gnam rnams khyed kyi phyag gis mdzad pa yin/ the heavens are the work of your hands (Heb. 1:10).
Related Terms: 1) gnam/ in modern usage means sky and has no religious connotations (AMD); 2) gnam gru/ airplane; 3) gnam gru thang / [sky + boat + field] airport; 3) gnam gshis/ weather or climate (DLP 12).
Biblical: heaven, sky: mkha' nas 'byon pa khong ni bla med do/ the one who comes from heaven is above all (Jn. 3:31), khong ni mka' dbyings 'byed de mar 'bab/ he parted the heavens and came down (2 Sa. 22:10 NTV).
Secular: mkha' rlung / air (SLR 13).
Biblical: the heavens: mtho ris na rang gi g.yas su bzhag ste/ seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms (Eph. 1:20 SV), mtho ris thams cad kyi gong du/ higher than all the heavens (Eph. 4:10 SV), nged rnams kyi spyod pa ni mtho ris na yod/ but our citizenship is in heaven (Phil. 3:20 SV).
Buddhist: : mtho ris/ is higher rebirth, defined as better family lineage, attractive physical features, long life, good health, good luck, wealth, and wisdom (TRI 127).
Related Terms: 1) gnam sa/ heaven and earth: gnam sa gnyis 'da' ba'i bar du/ until heaven and earth disappear (Mt. 5:18), gnam sa gnyis kyi gtso bo/ Lord of heaven and earth (Mt. 11:25,26); 2) bde ris/ paradise: dkon mchog gi bde ris su/ in the paradise of God (Rev. 2:7); 3) compounds of steng / (above) are used figuratively for "heaven": steng gi gzi brjid/ the Majesty in heaven (Heb. 1:3 SV); 4) compounds of yar/ (above) are used figuratively for "heaven": yar nas 'od rnams kyi yab/ the Father of the heavenly lights (Jas. 1:17), yar nas 'byung ba'i shes rab/ the wisdom that comes from heaven (Jas. 3:17 SV); 5) dga' ldan/ one of six Bst. heavens and the name of a famous monastery outside Lhasa (TRI 42); 6) bde ba can/ [Skt. sukhavati] the western paradise of Amitabha Buddha.