Biblical: In the OT the fundamental meaning of the term translated "soul" is "life"; in the Gk. the terms psyche (mind) and pneuma (spirit) are used for those aspects of man's being which survive death; hence, a Bib. definition for sems/ could be snying gi gang zag sbas pa/ the hidden inner person (1 Pet. 3:4 SV); sems gsod mi thub/ cannot kill the soul (Mt. 10:28), sems la ngal gso thob 'ong / find rest for your souls (Mt. 11:29), rang gi snying hril po dang /,,sems hril po dang /,,yid hril po/ [with] all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind (Mt. 22:37), nga yi sems kyis gtso bor bstod/ my soul glorifies the Lord (Lk. 1:46), lus srog sems gsum/ body, spirit, and soul (1 Thes. 5:23), sems kyi thar pa/ salvation of the soul (1 Pet. 1:9).
[lit. life]
Biblical: soul, life: 'jig rten hril po thob kyang /,,rang srog brlag gains the whole world, loses his own soul (Mt. 16:26).
Buddhist: see life.
[lit. heart]
Biblical: soul: khyed kyi snying la'ang ral gri snun par 'gyur/ and a sword will pierce your own soul too (Lk. 2:35).
Buddhist: see heart.