Biblical: a general term for knowledge: skul zhing shes bya thams cad la slob cing / admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom [lit. knowledge] (Col. 1:28).
Secular: the ordinary term for knowledge: ma bu bde srung gi shes bya/ knowledge of maternal-child health care (BFT 20), rig gnas shes bya/ cultural knowledge (TCR 1).
Cognates: shes rig slob sbyong / education (DLP 1).
Biblical: higher knowledge, especially of spiritual things: shes rab kyi lde mig the key to knowledge (Lk. 11:52), gsang ba dang shes rab thams cad shes nas/ if I know all mysteries and all knowledge (1 Cor. 13:2), shes rab bam/,,lung bstan/ knowledge or prophecy (1 Cor. 14:6), khyed rnams ye shes dang shes rab/ wisdom and understanding (Col. 1:9), gang la shes rab ces 'khrul nas 'bod pa/ what is falsely called knowledge (1 Tim. 6:20), khyed tsho'i dad pa la dge ba dang /,,dge ba la shes rab/ add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge (2 Pet. 1:5).
Buddhist: shes rab/ is knowledge which is higher than others; sublime knowledge, or wisdom (KTM). The Buddhas are believed to have such knowledge of all knowable things, including the thoughts of all human beings. See wisdom.
Biblical: knowledge: shes rab dang rig pa'i gter/ treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Col. 2:2,3), nga tsho thams cad la rig pa yod par shes so/ we know that we all possess knowledge (1 Cor. 8:1), rig pa nub par 'gyur/ knowledge will pass away (1 Cor. 13:8).
Buddhist: 1) intelligence: mkhas pa yongs kyi rig pa/ the intelligence of the learned (KPU 4); 2) area of knowledge or field of study: tshan rig pa/ scientist (DLP 7), nang pa sangs rgyas pa'i sems khams rig pa/ Tibetan Buddhist psychology (DLP 13), rig pa'i gnas lnga/ five classical studies nang rig pa/ secret knowledge; esp. of the bon/ Bon, gtan tshigs rig pa/ logic, sgra rig pa/ linguistics, gso ba rig pa/ medicine, bzo rig pa/ technology (CNG 63).
Cognates: yang dag par rig pa/ perfect knowledge, an attribute of the Buddhas (KBT 70).
Biblical: 1) sure, certain religious knowledge: khyed ni dkon mchog gi dam pa de yin par nga tshos dad cing ngo rtogs pa yin/ we believe and know that you are the Holy One of God (Jn. 6:69), nam mkha'i rgyal srid kyi gsang ba rtogs pa/ the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven (Mt. 13:11), gtso bo lags pa'i ye shu ma shi ka rtogs pa/ knowing Jesus Christ as Lord (Phil. 3:8), dkon mchog gi rtogs pa 'phel ba/ growing in the knowledge of God (Col. 1:10); 2) understanding or insight: ma shi ka'i gsang ba'i gting rtogs pa/ [my] insight into the mystery of Christ (Eph. 3:4); 3) conscience: rtogs pa zhan pa zhig someone with a weak conscience (1 Cor. 8:10).
Buddhist: religious knowledge or realizations gained from meditation: chos thams cad mngon sum du rtogs pa mthar phyin pa'i ye shes/ the wisdom which perceives directly all phenomena (TRC 74), nyid kyi rtogs pa gzhan la 'pho min te/ they do not transfer their realizations to others (TRC 77), bdag med pa'i don mngon sum du rtogs pa/ direct perception of the absence of a self (TRC 96), rtogs pa'i nyams myong bdag la med/ I have no experience of realizations (HTE 208).
Biblical: good qualities; knowledge: bka' khrims kyi nang na yon tan dang bden pa nyid kyi dbyibs yod pas/ you have in the law the embodiment of knowledge and truth (Rom. 2:20 SV).
Buddhist: 1) a body of knowledge acquired through study or education: yon tan kun gyi rtsa ba yi ge dang /,,yon tan yongs kyi rgyal po yi ge red/ reading is the foundation of all education; it is the king of all learning (KPU 27), yon tan mthar phyin pa slob dgos/ one must study to be perfect in knowledge (KTM); 2) good qualities: yon tan brjod pa/ to praise the good qualities of one's teacher (GSL 14).
Biblical: wisdom, understanding, knowledge: khyed rnams kun nas brtson 'grus rtsoms la dad pa la snying stobs dang /,,snying stobs la blo gros dang / make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge (2 Pet. 1:5 SV).
Secular: if a student has wide and deep knowledge his blo gros/ is good (AMD), blo gros dang 'jon thang / knowledge and expertise (MHP 9).
Biblical: see sngar mkhyen/ below.
Buddhist: extra-sensory perception involving knowledge of others' thoughts sems kyi rnam grangs shes pa/ , remembering past lives sngon gyi gnas rjes su dran pa/ etc. (TRI 71). It is grouped with other supernormal mental powers: bsam gtan dang /,,mngon shes/,,rdzu 'phrul/ trances, clairvoyances, and psychic powers (TRC 202).