[hon. mkhyen/ ]
Biblical: know, understand: 1) to be acquainted with someone (see also ngo shes/ ): khyed su yin ngas shes/ I know who you are (Mk. 1:24), khyed kyis nga shes na nga'i yab kyang shes/ if you knew me, you would know my Father as well (Jn. 14:7), skyes bu drang po dang dam pa yin par shes te/ knowing him to be a righteous and holy man (Mk. 6:20), dkon mchog la gces par 'dzin mkhan de/,,dkon mchog gis kho mkhyen no/ the man who loves God is known by God (1 Cor. 8:3); 2) to know facts: bka' de rnams khyod kyis shes so/ you know the commandments (Mk. 10:19), ngas mi shes mi go'o/ I don't know or understand (Mk. 14:68), ngas mi shes te/,,dkon mchog gis mkhyen no/ I don't know, God knows (2 Cor. 12:2), khong gis thams cad mkhyen no/ [God] knows everything (1 Jn. 3:20), ye shus de tsho'i bsam pa mkhyen/ Jesus knew their thoughts (Lk. 9:47), dkon mchog gis khyed kyi snying mkhyen pas/ God knows your hearts (Lk. 16:15); 3) to inform, let someone know: lag pa g.yas pas ci byed pa lag pa g.yon pa la'ang shes ma chug do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing (Mt. 6:3,4), /ye shus 'di sus kyang mi shes pa'i phyir nan gyis bskul/ he gave strict orders not to let anyone know (Mk. 5:43); 4) to have a skill or ability, to know a trade: song la shes pa bzhin srung zhig zhes bsgo bas/ go, make the tomb as secure as you know how (Mt. 27:65).
Buddhist: The root meaning of shes pa/ is to know or understand 1) to know or be acquainted with a person: ha lam ngo mi shes mdog mdog byed/ to pretend to be almost unacquainted (TRC 167); 2) to know facts: dbyar gnas grol ba'i dus tshod mi shes na/ if one does not know the time of release from the summer retreat (TRC 50); 3) to recognize: sdug bsngal shes par bya/ recognize suffering (TRC 165), ma rig pa ni/,,las rgyu 'bras la sogs pa mi shes pa'i rmongs pa/ nescience is the ignorance that does not recognize the [truth of] karma (TRC 284); 4) to understand: bden pa bzhi'i gnas tshul shes pa'i sgo nas/ by means of understanding the realities of the Four Truths (TRC 165), dmangs gtso'i ngo bo gsal po shes/ one must clearly understand the essence of democracy (RRT 282-3 n. 24); 5) to know how to: ngo la 'khor ba'i sbrang ma dkrog mi shes/ they don't even know how to chase a fly from their face (KPU 31); 6) to be aware of; awareness, consciousness: shes pa'i mtshan nyid yod/ there is a definition of consciousness (TBT 498).
Cognates: 1) ngo shes/ [hon. ngo mkhyen/ ] to recognize or be acquainted with someone or something: ji ltar yab kyis nga ngo mkhyen/,,/yab kyi zhal ngo ngas shes ltar/,,/nga yi yin pa ngas ngo shes/,,/de tshos nga la ngo shes pas/ I know my sheep and my sheep know me--just as the Father knows me and I know the Father (Jn. 10:14,15), nye gnas de bla chen gyi ngo shes yin/ that disciple was known to the high priest (Jn. 18:15); 2) shes bzhin/ introspection: shes bzhin gyis de shes par byas/ to recognize by introspective awareness (TRC 201); 3) nges shes/ confidence, certain knowledge: rig pa dwangs pas chos la nges shes skye/ as wisdom shines, our confidence in the dharma grows (GSL 6).
p. brtags/ f. brtag imp. rtogs/
Biblical: to know, understand: khong drang po lags par rtogs na/ if you know that he is righteous (1 Jn. 2:29), khong nyid dang gshin po las sku gson por bzhengs pa'i mthu nus rtogs pa/ I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection (Phil. 3:10), gang gsungs pa'i don de rnams kyis ma rtogs so/ they did not understand the meaning of what was said (Lk. 18:34).
Buddhist: to perceive: bdag med pa'i don mngon sum du rtogs pa'i lam gyi bden ba/ the truth of the path which directly perceives the absence of a self (TRC 96). see thought.