[lit. worship + house]
Biblical: temple: 1) the Jewish temple building: ye shu mchod khang du phebs/ Jesus entered the temple (Mt. 21:12), dkon mchog gi mchod khang / the temple of God (Mt. 26:61), mchod khang yang mi gtsang ba byed/ desecrate the temple (Acts 24:6); 2) also used figuratively: khong gis sku lus yin pa'i mchod khang la dmigs te gsungs pa yin/ the temple he had spoken of was his body (Jn. 2:21), khyed dkon mchog gi mchod khang yin te/ you yourselves are God's temple (1 Cor. 3:16), dam pa'i thugs nyid kyi mchod khang / a temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 6:19), dkon mchog gi nam mkha'i mchod khang / God's heavenly temple (Rev. 11:19); 3) used as a modern term for church: el sha skra'i mchod khang / El Shaddai Church (DPD), pha ri si'i 'phags ma'i mchod khang / the cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris (SBC-1, 62).
Buddhist: 1) a chapel, a place for worship: byams chen mchod khang / the Chamba Buddha Hall (MHP 7); 2) a memorial hall: mchod rten dang mchod khang chen mo/ the chorten and Grand Memorial Hall (MHP 7), kun gzigs pan chen sku phreng bcu pa mchog gi sku gdung mchod rten dang mchod khang / a Great Stupa and Memorial Hall for the Tenth Panchen Lama (MHP 7).
[lit. pure + house]
Biblical: temple, holy place: gtsang khang dang mchod khri'i dkyil du/ between the temple and the altar (Mt. 23:35), gtso bo dkon mchog gi gtsang khang du zhugs te/,,spos bdug pa kho la babs nas/ to go into the temple of the Lord and burn incense (Lk. 1:9), gtsang khang gi yol ba khag gnyis su ral/ the curtain of the temple was torn in two (Lk. 23:45).
Biblical: temple in a figurative sense: khyed rnams dkon mchog gi gzhal yas khang yin/ you yourselves are God's temple (1 Cor. 3:16 SV), khyed rnams kyi lus ni dam pa'i thugs nyid kyi gzhal yas khang yin/ your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 6:19 SV).
Buddhist: gzhal yas khang / mansions, castles, or residences of the gods in Bst. mythology (TDC 2416).
[lit. god + house]
Biblical: pagan temple: yu pi ter gyi lha khang / the temple of Jupiter [Zeus] (Acts 14:13), mi yis bzos pa'i lha khang / temples built by hands (Acts 17:24).
Buddhist: lha khang mang po bzhengs/ [they] built many temples (TRC 113), dpal gsam yas sprul pa'i lha khang / the Utse temple at Samye Monastery (DPD), rtse thang g.yu yi lha khang / Tsethang's Turquoise Temple (DPD).