Biblical: house of God: dkon mchog gi pho brang nang song nas/ he entered the house of God (Mt. 12:4), dkon mchog gi pho brang skyong ba'i bla chen yod pas/ since we have a great priest over the house of God (Heb. 10:21).
Buddhist: pho brang / is a residence for a king or high lama, and could be roughly translated "palace". yab rgyal po zas gtsang gis rgyal sras don grub pho brang gi phyi rol du phebs ma bcug pa/ [the Buddha's father] King Setsang did not allow Prince Dondrup outside the palace (SGN 6), bod gzhung dga' ldan pho brang / Ganden Potrang, seat of the former Tibetan government (DPD), 'dzam gling yongs la snyan grags che ba pho brang po ta la/ the world-famous Potala Palace (DPD), bskal bzang pho brang dang /,,spyan bsal pho brang / Kelsang Potrang and Chensel Potrang, two palaces within the Norbulingka (DPD), gong sa lnga pa chen po'i pho brang 'bras spungs la yod/ the residence of the Great Fifth Dalai Lama was at Drepung (DPD), brjid chags pa'i pho brang / magnificent palaces (SLR 7).