Biblical: 1) Christian hope: gshin po rnams lang ba'i re ba/ hope in the resurrection of the dead (Acts 23:6), gzi brjid kyi re ba/ the hope of glory (Col. 1:26,27), dad pa/,,re ba/,,byams pa/ faith, hope, and love (1 Cor. 13:13); 2) worldly hope: nor thob pa'i re ba/ their hope of making money (Acts 16:19), nga tsho'i srog thar ba'i re ba yongs su zad do/ we finally gave up all hope of being saved (Acts 27:20), re ba med pa/ without hope (Eph. 2:12).
Buddhist: In Bsm. hope is most often expressed in the power of the three jewels or triple refuge dkon mchog gsum/ to deliver from suffering and rebirth. Hence re ba bya yul/ is a refuge (KTM), and yid ches brtan pos re ba shugs chen po byed pa/ is to hope with strong, firm faith [that the three jewels can deliver from suffering] (REF 114).
Secular: nga khyed rang la re ba rgab gyi yin/ I'm putting my hope in you [i.e. trusting that you're going to do this for me]. Putting hope in someone is expressed as re ba byed/ or re ba rgyab/ ; the latter in particular gives the sense that one has put trust in someone to do something for them (KTM). rang nyid 'tsho thabs la nyen ga byung ba de tsam yang sel thub pa'i re ba bya thabs bral ba yin/ [without human understanding] we cannot hope to overcome the dangers to our very existence (DLP 10), rang res yongs khyab dad mos gsar pa zhig gis da yod chos lugs khag ki tshab bya rgyu'i re ba yang byed don med/ we cannot hope to replace the existing religions by a new universal belief (DLP 21), lan dang rnam smin mi re ba/ without hope of return [for kindnesses done] (GSL 22).
p. byas/ f. bya/ imp. byos/ [var. re/ ]
Biblical: to hope: dkon mchog la re ba byed do/ [I] hope in God (Acts 24:15), skal ba thob pa'i re ba byed/ hope to get a share [of the harvest] (1 Cor. 9:10), dad pa ni re ba byas pa'i dngos po rnams la blo gdeng dang /,,mig gis mi mthong ba rnams nyams su myong ba de yin no/ faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see (Heb. 11:1), ye shu ma shi ka mngon pa'i dus su khyed la gnang bar 'gyur ba'i thugs rje la kun tu re ba byos shig set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed (1 Pet. 1:13), thams cad la yid ches/,,thams cad re/,,thams cad bzod do/ [love] always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres (1 Cor. 13:7 SV), khyo shi ba'i bud med yin pa de ni dkon mchog la re/ the widow puts her hope in God (1 Tim. 5:5 SV).
Cognates: 1) re sa/ [lit. hope + place] the object of hope: re sa'i dkon mchog the God of hope (Rom. 15:13), ye shu nged rnams kyi re sa/ Jesus Christ our hope (1 Tim. 1:1 SV); 2) re 'dod/ hope: yis ra el gyi re 'dod/ the hope of Israel (Acts 28:20).