Biblical: respect, homage: lung ston pa la rang yul du bkur sti mi 'byung / a prophet has no honor in his own country (Jn. 4:44), rtag pa'i dpal dang bkur sti 'tshol mkhan/ the one who persists in seeking glory and honor (Rom. 2:7), dam pa dang bkur sti dang ldan par/ holy and honorable (1 Thes. 4:4), khyed tsho la bkur sti dang /,,nga tshor smad pa thob bo/ you receive honor, we are dishonored (1 Cor. 4:10).
Buddhist: bkur sti/ is respect or honor, especially that given to the monk body. Ideally bkur sti/ is offered through the "three doors" of body lus/ speech ngag and mind yid/ by prostrations, praise, and faith or trust (KTM). mchod pa dang bkur sti bzang po mdzad/ [King Khri Ral] offered homage and worship well (TRC 114), pan chen rin po che mchog la bkur sti rtse gcig tu byed pa/ the esteem and love offered to the Panchen Lama (MHP 9-10).
p. byas/ f. bya/ imp. byos/
Biblical: to show honor to someone: rang gi pha ma la bkur sti byos shig honor your father and mother (Mt. 15:4), nga la zhabs tog byed pa de la/,,yab kyi bkur sti mdzad 'ong / my Father will honor the one who serves me (Jn. 12:26).
Biblical: to show honor or reverence to someone: sde 'dis kha nas nga bkur/ these people honor me with their lips (Mt. 15:8), thams cad kyis bkur ba'i pha ru shi pa/ a Pharisee who was honored by all the people (Acts 5:34), yan lag gcig la bkur na/ if one part is honored (1 Cor. 12:26).
Biblical: reverence, respect, honor: mgron po thams cad kyi mdun du sti stang 'byung 'ong / you will be honored in the presence of all your friends (Lk. 14:10), sti stang dang bstod pa/ honor and praise (1 Tim. 1:17), bza' mi byed pa ni kun nang sti stang 'os par rtsi/ marriage should be accounted worthy of honor by all (Heb. 13:4).
p. byas/ f. bya/ imp. byos/
Biblical: to show honor: gcig gis gcig la sti stang byos shig honor one another (Rom. 12:10).
Biblical: reverence, respect: dkon mchog yab kyi phyogs nas khong la zhe sa dang dpal byung dus su/ he received honor and glory from God (2 Pet. 1:17), zhe sa dang /,,dpal dang /,,bstod pa 'bul bar 'os pa lags so/ worthy to receive honor and glory and praise (Rev. 5:12).
Buddhist: 1) zhe sa/ respect which is given to others in general; reverence, courtesy, or politeness (KTM); 2) honorific speech.
p. byas/ f. bya/ imp. byos/
Biblical: to show honor or respect to: zhe sa byed 'os pa la zhe sa byos shig if honor is due, show honor (Rom. 13:7), 'di 'dra ba'i skyes bur zhe sa byos shig honor men like him (Phil. 2:29,30).
[lit. to account]
Biblical: estimation, esteem, value, respect: lung ston pa la rang yul dang rang khyim na ma gtogs par gar yang rtsis med mi 'byung / only in his hometown and in his own house is a prophet without honor (Mt. 13:57), nga tshos snang chung rtsi ba'i yan lag la lhag par rtsi ste/ the parts that we think are less honorable we treat with special honor (1 Cor. 12:23).
Biblical: to honor, worship, revere, or respect: yab la mchod pa ltar thams cad kyis sras la mchod pa'i phyir/ that all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father (Jn. 5:22,23), glang bu zhig gi sku 'dra bzos nas/,,de la mchod pa phul/ making an idol of a calf, they honored [or worshiped] it (Acts 7:41).
Buddhist: see worship.