[lit. shine + glory]
Biblical: majesty, honor; the most common and general term for glory. God's glory is His honor and reputation, proclaimed through His mighty acts and revealed fully in Jesus Christ: 1) visible glory, radiance: ri si na la ya ho wa'i gzi brjid bzhugs pa/ the glory of the Lord settled on Mt. Sinai (Ex. 24:16), ya ho wa'i gzi brjid des bzhugs gnas khyab bo/ the glory of the Lord filled [the tabernacle] (Ex. 40:34); 2) the glory of God and His Presence: khyed tsho'ang khong dang mnyam du gzi brjid dang ldan zhing mngon par 'gyur ro/ you also will appear with him in glory (Col. 3:4), dkon mchog gi gzi brjid kyi 'od spros te/ the glory of God gives it light (Rev. 21:23), gzi brjid kyi gtso bo/ the Lord of glory (1 Cor. 2:8); 3) the glory of angels: pho nya dam pa rnams kyi gzi brjid/ the glory of the holy angels (Lk. 9:26); 4) honor, fame, worth: mo she'i zhal gyi gzi brjid/ the glory of Moses' covenant (2 Cor. 3:7).
Secular: gzi brjid/ applied to persons means glorious in appearance or commanding attention; applied to buildings means magnificent or imposing (AMD).
Cognates: 1) brjid nyams/ grand, majestic (MHP 8); 2) brjid chags/ magnificent: brjid chags yid du 'ong ba'i gna' bo'i bzo skrun/ magnificent and beautiful classical construction (MHP 8), brjid chags pa'i pho brang / magnificent palaces (SLR 7); 3) rngam brjid/ grand, splendid: mchod khang rngam brjid ldan/ a grand temple (MHP 11).
Biblical: magnificence, splendor, abundance, glory: 1) of God: dkon mchog gi dpal dang bral/ fall short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23), nyid kyi dpal mngon par mdzad/ he revealed his glory (Jn. 2:11), gtso bo ye shu ma shi ka'i dpal/ the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ (2 Thes. 2:14), ke rub ces pa'i dpal ldan gyi pho nya/ the cherubim of the Glory (Heb. 9:5); 2) glory generally: dpal mi 'tshol/ not to seek glory (Jn. 8:50), dpal dang ldan par mngon te/ appeared in glorious splendor (Lk. 9:31), dpal dang bkur sti/ glory and honor (Rom. 2:7), dpal dang bkur sti'i cod pan gsol yod/ crowned with glory and honor (Heb. 2:9).
Buddhist: 1) dpal/ is a general literary term for glory, often used in poetry (AMD). chos srid rang dbang gtsang ma'i dpal pa/ the glory of full religious and secular independence (RRT 282 n. 22), bde skyid dang dpal/ happiness and glory (DLP 9), grags pa'i dpal des kun tu shis gyur cig may the glory of your fame bring happiness everywhere (HTE 170); 2) used in honorific titles: dpal ldan/ glorious jo bo rje dpal ldan a ti sha/ the glorious lord Atisha (TRC 152), dpal ldan 'bras spungs/ magnificent Drepung (DPD), dpal gyi chos sde/ an honorific title used of monasteries dpal gyi chos sde chen po bkra shis lhun po/ glorious Tashilhunpo monastery (MHP 7); 3) used in compounds such as dpal brjid/ and dpal 'byor/ (see below).
[lit. glory + shine]
Biblical: glory: dkon mchog gi dpal brjid/ God's glory (Jn. 21:19), nyid kyi sras kyi dpal brjid ston par mdzod cig show forth the glory of your Son (Jn. 17:1), mi brgyud rnams kyi dpal brjid/ the glory of the nations (Rev. 21:26), sa steng du khyed kyi dpal brjid bstan pa yin/ I have brought you glory on earth (Jn. 17:4).
[lit. glory + wealth]
Biblical: abundant riches, wealth, abundance, or worldly splendor: dkon mchog gi nyid kyi dpal 'byor/ God's glorious riches (Phil. 4:19), gsang ba'i dpal 'byor/ the glorious riches of [this] mystery (Col. 1:26 27), khong gi dpal 'byor ston phyir/ in order to make known the riches of his glory (Rom. 9:22-4), ma shi ka pa'i nang du nor skal gyi dpal 'byor/ the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints (Eph. 1:18).
Secular: 1) Wealthy people are said to be dpal 'byor/ from their ability to accumulate wealth and status (KTM); 2) in modern Tib. dpal 'byor/ is wealth or economy: dpal 'byor yar rgyas/ economic development (DLP 8), 'char 'god dpal 'byor u yon lhan khang / economic planning committee (MHP 10), dpal 'byor gyi rin thang / economic value (SLP 15).
Biblical: glory, fame, reputation: kho rnams kyi grags pa ni ngo tsha yin/ their glory is in their shame (Phil. 3:19 SV), grags pa'i cod pan/ the crown in which [we] glory (1 Thes. 2:19 SV), khyed rnams ni nged kyi grags pa dang dga' spro yin/ you are our glory and joy (1 Thes. 2:20 SV).
Buddhist: 1) fame or renown: grags pa'i dpal des kun tu shis gyur cig may the glory of your fame bring happiness everywhere (HTE 170), lugs srol grags che ba bzhi/ the four better-known schools (TRC 135), grags chen bco brgyad/ the 18 major texts of the Sakya school (TRI 38), lo rgyus 'dzam gling 'dir grags pa/ a story which is well known in this present age (TRC 260), grags pa phul byung / a good reputation; 2) an epithet of Bst. saints: chos grags/ or chos kyi grags pa/ Dharmakirti [7th cent. Bst. philosopher] (TRC 24), zla ba grags pa/ Chandrakirti [8th cent. scholar] (TRC 25).
Cognates: 1) skad grags chen po/ fame lha sa'i gtsug lag khang skad grags chen po de gnyis/ the two famous temples in Lhasa (TRC 112-3), phyi nang du skad grags chen po/ well-known at home and abroad (TMB 25); 2) sras mo grags 'dzin ma/ the name of Prince Siddartha's wife (SGN 4).
[lit. hearing + glory / reputation]
Biblical: fame, honor, or good repute: 1) glory rang gi snyan grags 'tshol/ seeks his own glory (Jn. 7:18); 2) news, report khong gi snyan grags si ri ya yul kun tu dar bas/ news about him spread all over Syria (Mt. 4:24), he ro des ye shu'i snyan grags thos/ Herod heard the reports about Jesus (Mt. 14:1); 3) fame: ye shu'i snyan grags rgyas pas/ Jesus' name had become well known (Mk. 6:14), nga'i snyan grags dar 'jug pa'i don du/ that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth (Rom. 9:17).
Buddhist: good repute, good name: bde skyid/,,snyan grags/ happiness and a good name or reputation (TRC 217), 'dzam gling yongs la snyan grags che ba pho brang po ta la/ the world famous Potala Palace (DPD), dgon pa de'i dge 'dun rnams mtshan snyan grags chen po yod/ the monks from that monastery are well-known (DPD), lha sa ni snyan grags kyi ba dan kun tu khyab/ Lhasa is a famous city [lit. its banner of fame spreads everywhere] (SLR 14), brtsams chos grags chen/ a famous literary work (SBC 61).