Biblical: doctrine, teaching: khong gi bstan pa la ngo mtshar du gyur/ amazed at his teaching (Mt. 7:28,29), bstan pa gsar pa 'di ci yin/ what is this new teaching (Mk. 1:27), ngas ston pa 'di nga'i ma yin/ my teaching is not my own (Jn. 7:16), bstan pa 'di dkon mchog nas yin nam/ if this teaching is from God (Jn. 7:17), sku tshab rnams kyi bstan pa/ the apostles' teaching (Acts 2:42).
Buddhist: bstan pa/ is the teaching of the Buddha, which is believed to be yang dag pa/ or completely correct (KTM), and dri ma med pa/ unstained: sangs rgyas kyi bstan pa dri ma med pa/ the unstained teaching of the Buddha (TRC 153). The term is also applied to the scriptures: mdo sngags kyi bstan pa/ teachings of the sutras and tantras (TRC 113) and to the doctrines taught by other religious teachers: dge lugs pa'i bstan pa'i bdag po/ master of the Gelugpa teachings (TRC 53), bka' gdams kyi bstan pa/ teachings of the Kadampa school (TRC 154).
Cognates: 1) bstan pa snga dar dang /,,phyi dar/ the earlier and later periods of the spread of Bsm. in Tibet (TRI 117); 2) bstan srung / protectors of the doctrine (TRI 117).
Biblical: teaching, instruction: pha ru shi pa dang sad du ki pa'i bslab bya/ the teaching of the Pharisees and Saducees (Mt. 16:12), bslab bya 'di rnams/ these teachings (1 Tim. 4:6).
Buddhist: bslab bya/ 1) advice or teaching about practical matters (KTM); 2) religious or doctrinal teachings: btsun mo grags 'dzin ma 'khor dang bcas par chos kyi bslab bya mang po gsungs so/ [he] gave many teachings to Queen Grags 'Dzin ma and her court (SGN 15); 3) precepts: bslab bya gsum/ the three types of precepts (TRI 299).