p. bshad/ imp. shod/
Biblical: to preach or explain: chos ston zhing phrin bzang 'chad pa'i tshe/ when he was teaching and preaching the gospel (Lk. 20:1), ngas phyi par 'chad pa'i phrin bzang / the gospel I preach to the Gentiles (Gal. 2:2), 'jig rten nang gang du'ang phrin bzang 'di 'chad/ wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world (Mk. 14:9), phrin bzang 'chad du mngags so/ sent me to preach the gospel (1 Cor. 1:17), ngas sngon bshad pa'i phrin bzang / the gospel I preached (1 Cor. 15:1), ngas bshad pa yid la bzung na/ if you believe what I preached to you (1 Cor. 15:2).
Buddhist: Bsm. is normally transmitted from teacher to student through the study of scriptural texts. There are said to be five methods of accomplishing this, the so-called bshad thabs yan lag lnga/ or "five methods of teaching": discussing its purpose, summarizing it, giving its literal meaning; studying its links with other texts; and debate and discussion of the meaning (CNG 66/TRI 276). 1) to explain: bshad tshul mang po yod/ there are many ways to explain it (TRC 96), nga tsho nang pa'i chos kyi bshad pa ltar na/ as our Bst. religion explains (DPD); 2) to teach: ngas bshad pa'i chos nyams su len pa na/ when you practice the doctrine I have taught (TRC 184); 3) to say: lo bdun yin pa bshad dgos/ you must say that you are seven years old (DPD).
Cognates: 1) 'grel bshad/ a textual commentary (TRC 24); 2) bshad lung gnang / transmission of a text from teacher to student by teaching and recitation (TRC 49); 3) bsdus tsam bshad/ to summarize (TRC 226); 4) rdzun bshad pa/ to tell a lie (TRC 244); 5) chos bshad/ to preach, explain religion: nga la chos bshad byung ngo / he explained the Gospel to me (DPD), bza' nyi ma la chos bshad do/ I preached on Sunday (DPD); 6) gtam bshad/ advice: kha che pha lu'i snying gtam bshad yod/ this is Khache Phalu's heartfelt advice (KPU 10).
p. bsgrags/ imp. sgrogs/
Biblical: to proclaim, declare, preach: dkon mchog gis nga tsho ma ke don du phrin bzang sgrog tu bos pa/ God called us to preach the gospel in Macedonia (Acts 16:10), phrin bzang sgrog pa/ one who preaches the gospel (1 Cor. 9:14).
Cognates: 1) bsgrags gtam/ declaration: byis pa 'tsho gnas dang 'tshar longs yong bar srung skyong byed pa'i bsgrags gtam/ World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children (BFT 21); 2) dril bsgrags/ propaganda (SLR 11).