p. bstan/ imp. ston/
Biblical: to teach: chos ston pa dang 'chad pa/ to teach and preach (Mt. 11:1), 'du khang nang chos bstan pas/ teaching in the synagogue (Mk. 6:2), lta ba tha dad pa ma ston/ not to teach different doctrines (1 Tim. 1:3,4).
Buddhist: The historical Buddha was originally regarded as a teacher (see teacher) and this function is now thought to have passed to other Buddhas as well: chos nyid bden pa bstan pas grol bar 'gyur/ [the Buddhas] deliver by teaching this very dharma (TRC 77). A teaching function is ascribed to the doctrine: legs nyes kyi gnas tshul gsal bar ston pa'i chos/ the doctrine which teaches clearly the way of good and evil (TRC 166); and to the Bst. scriptures: don dam pa'i chos dkon mchog de dag phyin ci ma log par ston pa'i sangs rgyas kyi bka'/ the conventional dharma jewel is the scriptures of the Buddha which teach without error (TRC 75).
p. bslabs/ f. bslab/ imp. slobs/
Biblical: teach, instruct: dam pa'i thugs nyid kyis khyed la bslab 'ong / the Holy Spirit will teach you (Lk. 12:12), yo ha nan gyis rang gi slob ma la bslabs pa ltar/,,nga tsho la'ang smon lam 'debs tshul slob/ as John taught his disciples to pray, teach us also how to pray (Lk. 11:1), gzhan la slob kyang rang la mi slob bam/ you who teach others, do you not teach yourself (Rom. 2:21), bya 'os pa'i las 'di rnams slob cing skul cig these are the things you are to teach and urge on them (1 Tim. 6:2).
Secular: slob/ the ordinary term for teaching: khong la bod skad dang bod yig slab gyi yod/ I was teaching her Tibetan (DPD), bod sman skor gyi slob khrid dang zhib 'jug gi las/ the work of teaching and research on Tibetan medicine (TMB 25).
Proverbs: byed lugs med kyang kha la lugs slobs/ if you don't teach your children how to do work, at least teach them how to eat (KPU 30).
Biblical: to preach or explain. According to the bod rgya tshig mdzod chen mo/ this verb has transitive (p. bshad pa/ imp. shod/ ) and intransitive (p. chad pa/ f. 'chad pa/ ) forms. These distinctions are not rigorously observed in the NT text. hel len pa tshor chos 'chad 'ong ngam/ will he teach the Greeks? (Jn. 7:35), ye shu'i ming rjod cing gtam dang chos 'chad mi chog zer mod/ commanded them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus (Acts 4:18).
Buddhist: see preach.
Cognates: bshad sgrub/ teaching and practice: bshad sgrub kyi sgo nas/ by means of teaching and practice (TRC 137).