[lit. own + power]
Biblical: freedom, independence, liberty. The NT speaks of man's liberty from sin and of freedom from bondage to the Law as a means of salvation; both are God-centered concepts unknown in Bsm. ma shi ka'i rang dbang / the freedom [we have in] Christ (Gal. 2:4), rang dbang du gnas pa'i phyir ma shi kas nged thar bar mdzad pas/ it is for freedom that Christ has set us free (Gal. 5:1), khyed rnams rang dbang la bos/ you were called to be free (Gal. 5:13), khyed tsho rang dbang ldan par 'tsho/ live as free men (1 Pet. 2:16).
Secular: 1) freedom in general: ma bshad bar du gtam la rang dbang thob/ before having told [a secret] you have freedom (KPU 19); 2) political freedom or independence: gzhug pa'i rang dbang / political self determination, mi dmangs kyi rang dbang / liberty (RRT 282), dmangs gtso'i thob thang dang rang dbang 'dra mnyam bcas bed spyod byed pa/ implementing democratic rights and equal freedoms (RRT 282), rgya gar rang dbang thob pa'i nyi ma/ Indian Independence Day (DPD); 3) independently, autonomously: rang dbang rang thob ngang nas/ receiving innate empowerment by yourself (HTE 184).
Cognates: rang dbang med/ powerless: rang dbang med par sa la gzags pa red/ he fell powerless to the ground (TRC 260), rang dbang med par shi dgos pa/ to have to die without personal control of the matter (TRC 273).
[lit. save, deliver from]
Biblical: freedom in the sense of escape, deliverance or being set free: snod bcud kyang mi rtag pa'i dbang las thar te/ the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay (Rom. 8:21), gal te thar thub pa'i skabs yod na/ if you can gain your freedom (1 Cor. 7:21), gtso bo'i thugs nyid yod sar thar pa yod/ where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (2 Cor. 3:17), thar pa'i bka' khrims/ the law of freedom (Jas. 2:12).
Buddhist: see save.
p. bsgral/ [save, deliver from]
Biblical: deliverance, rescue, freedom [from an oppressive situation]: btson par sgrol dang long bar mig freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind (Lk. 4:18), khyed rnams sdig pa'i dbang las bsgral nas/,,rnam par dag pa'i g.yog po ru gyur to/ you have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness (Rom. 6:18 SV).
Buddhist: see save.
p. bral/ [lit. separated from; used in compounds to express the idea "free from"]
Biblical: 1) sems 'khral dang 'bral ba/ free from worry nga ni khyod rnams sems 'khral dang 'bral bar gnas par 'dod/ I would like you to be free from concern (1 Cor. 7:32 SV); 2) bka' khrims dang bral/ free from God's law nga rang dkon mchog gi bka' khrims dang mi bral zhing ma shi ka'i bka' khrims la brten/ I am not free from God's law but am under Christ's law (1 Cor. 9:21 SV); 3) brnab sems dang bral ba/ free from the love of money brnab sems dang bral bar gyur cig keep your lives free from the love of money (Heb. 13:5 SV).
Buddhist: 1) thab bral/ the place free of fighting; a god realm (KBT 117), skyon dang bral ba/ free of faults, faultless (TRC 199), bying rgod dang bral/ free of mental distractions [in meditation] (TRC 202), sdug bsngal las 'bral/ free of suffering (TRC 332), snying rje bral ba/ heartless, cruel, inhuman (DLP 7); 2) outside, away from: lha sa dang bral/ outside Lhasa (SLR 10).
[lit. give salvation]
Biblical: dgra bo'i lag nas nga la skyabs gnang / who sets me free from my enemies (2 Sam. 22:49 NTV).
Buddhist: see save.