Biblical: 1) literal fruit: rtsi shing bzang pos 'bras bu bzang po skyed/ every good tree bears good fruit (Mt. 7:17), 'bras bu las shing sdong gang yin shes pas/ from its fruit a tree is recognized (Mt. 12:33); 2) result or effect of faith in God: 'bras bu mi chags pa'i nga'i yal ga thams cad/ every branch in me that bears no fruit (Jn. 15:2), 'gyod tshangs dang mtshungs pa'i 'bras bu skyed cig produce fruit in keeping with repentance (Mt. 3:8), thugs nyid kyi 'bras bu/ the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22), 'od kyi 'bras bu/ the fruit of the light (Eph. 5:9); 3) result or effect generally: sdig pa'i 'bras bu ni 'chi ba yin/ the wages [lit. fruit, result] of sin is death (Rom. 6:23).
Buddhist: 1) 'bras bu/ is the fruit, effect, or result of an action, and one of the so-called links of dependent arising (KBT 35). The theory that good or bad actions always have good or bad results in future lives is known as the law of causality las rgyu 'bras/ or las 'bras/ [Skt. karma]; it is one of the central doctrines of Bsm. Hence las 'bras can/ one who believes in karma (KPU 11), dge sdig gi las 'bras la yid ches rnyed nas/ obtained faith in the action and result of virtue and non-virtue (TRC 217), mi dge ba'i las rgyu 'bras/ the action, cause and effect of non-virtue (TRC 242). According to the theory of karma, good deeds are rewarded and bad deeds punished in current or future rebirths. An action may have three major types of result: a) rnam smin gyi 'bras bu/ the result of maturation [lit. "ripening"], b) the result consistent with the cause rgyu mthun gyi 'bras bu/ , and c) bdag po'i 'bras bu/ the controlling result. For example, the maturation of killing is rebirth in unpleasant circumstances, the result consistent with the cause is desire for killing and being killed by others in future rebirths, and the controlling result might be damage to one's crops, etc. (TRC 245). Similarly, respecting authority is a cause of being born as a noble, patience is said to cause beauty, generosity to cause wealth, and saving the lives of others to cause long life (JPG 131). Conversely, there is the story of a man who insulted a monk by saying he looked like a frog, and so endured 500 rebirths as a frog (JPG 261). Once rewarded or punished, one's karma may be used up sngon ma'i las bzang po'i 'bras bu longs spyad tshar nas/,,lha mang che ba ngan song du skye 'gro gi yod pa red/ having used up the result of former good action, most gods come to be born among those gone to the evil destinies (TRC 272). 2) 'bras bu/ may also mean effect or result: rgyu chung ngu las 'bras bu chen po/ large results which stem from small causes (KBT 40), 'khor ba las thar ba'i rgyu 'bras/ the cause and effect of deliverance from the round of existence (TRC 256), theg pa chung 'bring che gsum gyi lam 'bras bu/ the fruition of the Hinayana, Mahayana, and tantric vehicles (TRC 202), 'bras ngan pa/ disastrous consequences (DLP 2); 3) actual fruit de la lam seng 'bras bu yang skyes te/ immediately [the tree] bore fruit (SGN 16), 'bras bu smin pa/ ripe fruit.
Cognates: 1) lam 'bras/ one of the Mahayana tantras (TRC 138); 2) 'bras mi 'byin/ fruitless (HTE 206); 3) grub 'bras ha cang chen po red/ a great achievement (SLR 13).
Proverbs: 1) las 'bras kha nas shod mkhan mang po yod/,,lag len lag tu lon pa gser las dkon/ there are many who talk about karma, but those who practice it are scarce as gold (KPU 34-5); 2) shin tu bzod dka'i ngan song sdug bsngal rnams/,,sdig pa'i las kyi 'bras bur thub pa/ the fruit of sin is the unbearable suffering of the evil destinies (GSL 10) [cf. Rom. 6:23].
[var. shing thog]
Biblical: the fruit of a tree: shing tog btsal du 'ongs nas/ he went to look for fruit on it (Lk. 13:6), shing tog chags na/ if it bears fruit (Lk. 13:9), khyod kyi snying la 'dod pa'i shing thog khyod las shor ba/ the fruit you longed for is gone (Rev. 18:14 SV).
Buddhist: The term shing thog is used only for literal fruit and not for result or consequence of an action (AMD). na bza' dang /,,'bras/,,shing tog clothing, rice, and fruit (SGN 19), ja 'bras shing tog tea, rice, and fruit (DPD).
[lit. fruit + set apart]
Biblical: an offering of the first fruits of harvest: firstfruits thugs nyid kyi thog phud/ the firstfruits of the Spirit (Rom. 8:23 SV), nyal ba rnams kyi thog phud/ the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep (1 Cor. 15:20 SV), dang por ma shi ka thog phud de bzhengs/ Christ, the firstfruits (1 Cor. 15:23 SV).
Buddhist: thog phud/ [var. phud mchod/ ] the portion of a crop offered to gods (TDC 1717).
p. phud/ [lit. to set apart]
Biblical: a first taste, a trial portion or sample; firstfruits: khong gis bkod pa rnams kyi phud du yin pa/ a kind of firstfruits of all he created (Jas. 1:18 SV), phud lta bur blu bar mdzad pa yin/ offered as firstfruits (Rev. 14:4 SV).
Buddhist: skra phud/ [lit. hair + sample] a tuft of a novice's hair that is cut off when he enters a monastic college (TRC 4).
Biblical: fruit: bag leb dang shing 'bras rnams/ bread and fruits (2 Sam. 16:2 NTV).
Secular: shing 'bras ldum ra/ orchard.