Biblical: freedom, liberty, salvation: khyed kyi thar pa nga yi mig gis mjal/ my eyes have seen your salvation (Lk. 2:30,31), thar pa'i rmog helmet of salvation (Eph. 6:17), 'jigs shing 'dar zhing rang gi thar pa sgrubs shig work out your salvation with fear and trembling (Phil. 2:12), sems kyi thar pa/ the salvation of [your] souls (1 Pet. 1:9).
Buddhist: 1) thar pa/ is freedom or liberation from cyclic rebirth; hence nirvana: 'khor ba mtha' dag las thar ba'i thar pa/ the deliverance which frees from the entire round of existence (TRC 217), ngan song las thar/ saving from the evil destinies (TRC 270), sdug bsngal rgyu dang bcas pa las grol ba'i thar pa/ the deliverance which frees from misery and its causes (TRC 301), so thar/ individual liberation (CNG 111); 2) freedom or deliverance from unpleasant mental states: 'chi ba'i 'jigs pa las thar thabs med pa/ no way to be delivered from the fear of death (SGN 20), sdug bsngal thams cad las thar/ saving from all suffering (TRC 164); 3) getting better from an illness: nad 'di las thar mi thub pa/ unable to get better from this disease (DPD), de las thar ba'i thabs sman bcos/ a treatment method which can save from disease (TRC 76).
Proverbs: las bzang byas nas thar pa'i lam bu la/,,gtam bzang khyer nas song zhig pha yi bu/ do good deeds and follow the path of deliverance; go away with a good reputation, my son (KPU 21).
Cognates: 1) thar sa med pa/ no way of escape: 'chi bdag gshin rje'i zhags pa'i 'ching ba las thar sa med pa'i gnas/ [we] are bound up by the lord of death in the place of no escape (SGN 7); 2) rnam thar/ a) emancipation, liberation (CNG 117), b) biography: sangs rgyas kyi rnam thar/ the biography of the Buddha (SGN); 3) tshe thar/ [lit. life + save] to save the life of an animal about to be killed in order to gain merit: mi rnams tshe thar btang nas dgon pa'i nang gsos pa'i khyi/ dogs which have been saved from death and restored to the monasteries (SLR 15); 4) thar gyi mdo/ the Pratimoksha sutra, which lists the rules that monks must obey (TRC 51); 5) srog thar ba/ to save life from physical danger: srog thar ba'i re ba/ hope of being saved [from shipwreck] (Acts 27:20).
Biblical: to save, deliver, set free: khong gis nyid kyi mi sde sdig pa las thar bar mdzad par 'gyur/ he will save his people from their sins (Mt. 1:21), khyod kyi dad pas khyod thar bas/ your faith has saved you (Lk. 7:50), thugs rje'i sgo nas thar bar 'gyur ba/ saved through grace (Acts 15:11), nga thar ba'i phyir ci bya dgos/ what must I do to be saved (Acts 16:30), gtso bo'i mtshan brjod pa de thar bar 'gyur ro/ everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved (Rom. 10:13), thugs rje'i thabs kyis khyed tsho thar ro/ it is by grace you have been saved (Eph. 2:5,6), rang gi khyim tshang thar ba'i phyir gru gzings shig bzos/ built an ark to save his family (Heb. 11:7).
Buddhist: See thar pa/ .
p. bskyabs/ f. bskyab/ imp. skyobs/
Biblical: to help, save, or deliver: 1) from physical danger or life circumstances: gtso bo lags/,,nga skyobs shig Lord, save me (Mt. 14:30), rang skyob cig [come down from the cross and] save yourself (Mk. 15:30), rang srog skyob mkhan/ the one who wants to save his life (Mk. 8:35); 2) to save spiritually: bstor ba 'tshol ba dang skyob pa'i phyir/ to seek and to save what was lost (Lk. 19:10), lugs gang rung gi mi 'ga' shas skyob pa/ by all means to save some (1 Cor. 9:22), ma shi ka ye shu ni sdig can rnams skyob pa'i don du 'jig rten du byon/ Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners (1 Tim. 1:15).
Buddhist: 1) to save in a spiritual sense: 'jig rten lha yis su zhig bskyab par nus/ whom can the gods of this world save? (GSL 10); 2) to deliver from mental suffering: 'jigs pa las skyob pa'i nus pa/ power to save from fear (TRC 73); 3) to save from physical danger: sems can mer bsregs pa dang /,,chur lhungs ba sogs las skyob pa/ to save a living creature from fire or drowning (TRC 345).
Cognates: srung skyob/ refuge: dkon mchog nga yi srung skyob yin/ God is my refuge (2 Sam. 22:3 NTV).
Biblical: to save, rescue, deliver: tsi yon nas sgrol mdzad 'thon par 'gyur/ the deliverer will come from Zion (Rom. 11:26).
Buddhist: sgrol ba/ to save, liberate, set free: dgra la sogs pa'i sems can gsod pa la sgrol ba zer ba/ they called killing their enemies "liberation" (TRC 152), sdug bsngal las sgrol ba/ deliverance from suffering (DLP 2), 'khor ba las grol ba'i 'bras bu/ the result of deliverance from the round of existence (TRC 257), srog gi 'jigs pa las sgrol bar byed/ to save from the fear of losing one's life (KTM), btson khang las sgrol ba/ to set free from prison (KTM).
Cognates: 1) sgrol ma/ or rje btsun sgrol ma/ the goddess Dolma [Skt. Tara] believed to have 21 emanations of which the green sgrol ljang / and white sgrol dkar/ are most common; one of the most popular godesses in Tibet (TRC 154); 2) bar do thos sgrol/ the Bardo Thodol rites for the dead (DPD).
[lit. restore, repair]
Biblical: used in SV as "save": kho rang me las bros mkhan ltar gso bar 'gyur ro/ he himself will be saved, but only as one escaping through the flames (1 Cor. 3:15 SV); de dag gso bar byed pa'i phyir/ so that they may be saved (1 Cor. 10:33 SV).