p. gyur/ [lit. very pure, clean]
Biblical: 1) to become very pure or morally clean; used by extension in the NT to mean becoming right with God, or being justified: ab ra ham las kyi sgo nas rnam dag tu gyur pa yin na/ if Abraham was justified by works (Rom. 4:2), bka' khrims kyi thabs kyis rnam dag 'gyur bar 'dod pa khyed tsho/ you who are trying to be justified by law (Gal. 5:4), dad pa'i sgo nas mi ni rnam par dag par 'gyur ba/ a man is justified by faith (Rom. 3:28 SV); 2) rnam dag mdzad/ to make pure, to make right with God, to justify: khong gi sku khrag gis rnam dag mdzad pas/ we have now been justified by his blood (Rom. 5:9), dkon mchog ni rnam par dag par mdzad mkhan/ those whom God has justified (Rom. 8:33 SV)
Buddhist: see righteousness.
Cognates: mchod rten rnam dag Namdag Stupa, where the Buddha cut off his hair before becoming an ascetic (SGN 8).
[lit. to save]
Biblical: release from worldly existence; used by extension in the NT to mean saved, absolved from sin, or justified: nga tsho dad pa'i sgo nas thar zhing / we have been justified through faith (Rom. 5:1), bka' khrims kyi thabs kyis su'ang mi thar ba/ through the law no one is justified (Gal. 3:11), dad pa de kho'i thar pa'i rgyur rtsi'o/ his faith is credited as righteousness (Rom. 4:5), nga tsho thar 'jug pa'i phyir khong sku gson por bslangs pa yin no/ for our justification, he was raised to life (Rom. 4:25), gnang sbyin gyi sgo nas sdig pa mang por thar pa byung / through the gift, many received justification (Rom. 5:16), thar bar mdzad mkhan dkon mchog lags pas/ it is God who justifies (Rom. 8:33).
Buddhist: see save.
p. gyur/ [lit. honest, true + become]
Biblical: made true, right, or honest; used by the NT to mean justified: khyed tsho gtsang bar yang gyur/,,dam par yang gyur/,,drang por yang gyur to/ you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified (1 Cor. 6:11), bka' khrims kyi las kyis drang por ma 'gyur/ a man is not justified by observing the law (Gal. 2:16).
Buddhist: see justice.