Biblical: 1) just, fair: khyed kyi gshegs lam rnams drang zhing bden pa lags so/ just and true are your ways (Rev. 15:3 SV); 2) drang ba nyid/ truthfulness, justice: de dag gis dad pa'i sgo nas rgyal khams rnams 'bangs su bcug,,/drang ba nyid kyi las rnams bsgrubs/ who through faith conquered kingdoms, administered justice (Heb. 11:33 SV); 3) thugs drang ba/ [hon.] God's justice: de ltar dus 'di la khong rang gi thugs drang ba mngon par mdzad/ he did it to demonstrate his justice at the present time (Rom. 3:26 SV), khong ni rang gi bka' las mi 'gal zhing thugs drang po lags pas/ he is faithful and just (1 Jn. 1:9 SV).
Buddhist: 1) straight: 'gro lam drang po/ a straight road, ka ba drang po/ a straight pillar (KTM); 2) truthful: skad cha drang po smra ba/ to speak truthfully, las ka drang po/ honest work (KTM), sems drang ba/ one whose heart is pure and true (AMD); 3) just or fair: byams snying ldan zhing /,,drang bden dang /,,'dra mnyam/ compassionate, just, and equitable (DLP 3); 4) honest: gtam la drang ba'i mi de sems nas drang / the one who speaks honestly is honest from the heart (KPU 19), drang bden/ honesty (DLP 2).
Biblical: righteousness, justice: gshags myur du mdzad do/ [he will] give them justice quickly (Lk. 18:8), khong la gshags ma byung / he was deprived of justice (Acts 8:33), gshags drang po dang /,,dkon mchog la byams pa ni spong ngo / you neglect justice and the love of God (Lk. 11:42).
Buddhist: gshags ngan mi rgod/ do not reply to verbal abuse (UCO 150).
Cognates: kha gshags byed mkhan/ one who disputes, an adversary (Lk. 18:3).
Biblical: honest judgement: ngas kho la khrims gcod drang po bcad pa yod/ I would see that he gets justice (2 Sam. 15:4 NTV), rang gi mi 'bangs la dus kun tu khrims gcod drang po thob pa'i 'bad brtson nges gtan byas pa red/ doing what was just and right for all his people (2 Sam. 8:15 NTV).