Biblical: the state of believing or trusting in, faith: bden pa nyid la dad/ belief in the truth (2 Thes. 2:13).
Cognates: 1) mi dad pa'i sems/ unbelief: nga'i mi dad pa'i sems la skyabs mdzod cig help my unbelief (Mk. 9:24), ngas dad pa med par mi shes bzhin du/ acted in unbelief and ignorance (1 Tim. 1:13 SV); 2) dad pa log pa/ perverse faith or unbelief: tshod lta'i dus su dad pa log pa rnams yin no/ in the time of testing they are faithless (Lk. 8:13), dad pa log 'jug pa/ to enter into unbelief or sin (Mt. 18:6).
Biblical: faith, belief, trust: dkon mchog la mos pa'i sems/ a mind that trusts in God; godly (1 Tim. 6:3 SV).
Buddhist: 1) mos pa/ or belief is one of the fifty one factors making up mental consciousness (KBT 14); 2) a wish or mental inclination: mos pa sna tshogs mkhyen pa'i stobs/ power of knowing various mental inclinations (KBT 76), rang gi mos pa mang ba'i rgyu/ because of my many wishes (UCO 150); 3) esteem or trust: 'dul ba la mos pa/ esteem for the Vinaya scriptures (TRC 152), dad mos/ devotion; 4) generated or believed in by the mind: rang gi yid ngor mos pa'i dmigs rten/ a meditative object that is mentally imagined (TRC 199); 5) religion, faith: mos pa 'dra min sna tshogs/ various faiths or religions (DLP 20).