Biblical: trust or belief, especially in a supernatural object; religious faith. In its Christian sense it implies complete trust in and reliance upon God: dad pa ni re ba byas pa'i dngos po rnams la blo gdeng / faith is being sure of what we hope for (Heb. 11:1), ri spo nus pa'i dad pa/ faith that is able to move mountains (1 Cor. 13:2), dad pa'i bka'/ the word of faith (Rom. 10:8), dad pa/,,re ba/,,byams pa/ faith, hope, and love (1 Cor. 13:13), drang po dad pas 'tsho bar 'gyur/ the righteous will live by faith (Rom. 1:17), nga tsho dad pa'i sgo nas thar/ we are saved by faith (Rom. 5:1), khyod kyi dad pas khyod thar ba yin/ your faith has saved you (Mk. 10:52), ye shu la dad mkhan/ those who have faith in Jesus (Rom. 3:26), dad pa'i sgo nas sa ra yis zhal chad mdzad mkhan bslu med lags par yid ches pas/ by faith Sarah believed him who had made the promise (Heb. 11:11).
Buddhist: dad pa/ implies: 1) belief in the basic Bst. doctrines such as the four truths and the 8-fold path; 2) belief in one's spiritual teacher. Faith is taught to be the root of all spiritual achievement (JPG 106) and its absence ma dad pa/ is counted as an affliction. Four types of faith are distinguished in the Bst. scriptures: 1) yid ches pa'i dad pa/ or "convinced faith" is the fruit of rational analysis of a proposition. An individual with this kind of faith is one who has examined the truth of a proposition (normally karma or the four noble truths) and is convinced of its truth (KTM), or one who has seen the good qualities of his spiritual teacher and become convinced that the teacher is a Buddha (JPG 107); 2) dang ba'i dad pa/ or "pure faith" is a fully trusting, naive, contented, childlike faith (KTM); 3) mngon 'dod kyi dad pa/ or "longing faith" is a faith which sees good qualities in another and wants to emulate them (JPG 107); 4) phyir mi ldog pa'i dad pa/ or "irreversible faith" is a final, convinced, experienced faith which is beyond doubt and the ultimate goal of the Bst (KTM). Faith is not spontaneous, but must be cultivated (JPG 196). Examples of faith include: rgyal po de sangs rgyas la dad pa chen po skyes/ the king had great faith in the Buddha (SGN 14), sangs rgyas la dad pa skyes nas skyabs su bzung / he had faith in the Buddha and took refuge (SGN 18), nga'i dad pa rten po med pas/ because my faith was not firm (DPD), dad pa'i yul/ an object of faith (TRC 199).
Cognates: 1) dad pa log pa/ perverse faith or unbelief: mang po dad pa log par 'gyur/ many will turn away from the faith (Mt. 24:10); 2) dad med/ lack of faith: de rnams kyi dad med la ngo mtshar 'khrungs so/ he was amazed at their lack of faith (Mk. 6:6); 3) rmongs dad/ [lit. ignorance + faith] superstition: bkas bkod rgyud 'dzin rmongs dad/ feudal superstition.
Biblical: trust, reliance, or confidence; often but not always of a lower or more general type than the trusting, devotional faith implied by dad pa/ : khyed kyi yid ches bzhin du gyur cig according to your faith will it be done to you (Mt. 9:29), de rnams kyi yid ches la gzigs nas/ when Jesus saw their faith (Lk. 5:20), nga tshor dkon mchog gis byams pa shes shing yid ches so/ we know and rely on the love God has for us (1 Jn. 4:16), gtam bden zhing yid ches 'os pa'o/ a [true and] trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance (1 Tim. 4:9).
Buddhist: yid ches/ is trust, confidence, or faith 'jigs pa las skyob pa'i nus pa yod par yid ches te/ to have faith that [dkon mchog] has the power to save from fear (TRC 73), yid ches brtan pos re ba shugs chen po byed pa/ to hope with strong, firm faith (REF 114), yid ches la sogs pa rgya chen po bskyed dgos/ one ought to develop great confidence (TRC 164), yid ches 'os pa/ that which is trustworthy or can be believed (AMD).
Secular: khyod kyi nad de drag pa yid ches yod dam/ do you believe [lit. have faith] that your illness will get better? (DPD), yun ring mi dgos par lha sa grong khyer gyi rnam pa shin tu mdzes sdug ldan pa zhig tu 'gyur thub pa nga la yid ches yod/ I believe [lit. have faith] that the appearance of Lhasa City will be very beautiful in the near future (SLR 15).