p. byas/ f. bya/ imp. byos/
Biblical: to believe, trust, or be devoted to superiors and supernatural beings; to trust in, commit oneself to: sems sgyur la phrin bzang la dad pa byos shig repent and believe the good news (Mk. 1:15), thob zin pa la dad pa byos shig believe that you have [already] received it (Mk. 11:24), gsung rab dang ye shu'i bka' la dad par gyur/ [they] believed the Scriptures and Jesus' word (Jn. 2:22), gtso bo ye shu la dad pa byos shig believe in the Lord Jesus (Acts 16:31), dad pa mi byed pa rnams/ those who do not believe (1 Pet. 2:7), khyod ye shu la dad pa byed dam/ do you believe in Jesus? (DPD).
p. skyes/ f. skye/ [faith + born, arise]
Biblical: to have faith arise, e.g. as a result of a witnessed miracle, an experience, or of one's own thought: dad pa skyed pa'i phrin gyi sgo nas/ by believing the message you heard (Gal. 3:2), dad pa skyed pa thams cad kyi phar gyur/ he became the father of all who believe (Rom. 4:11 SV).
Buddhist: to believe, also to create or induce belief: dad pa skye ba'i phyir/ in order to produce [the quality of belief] in his disciples (SGN 16), dad pa skyes nas sangs rgyas kyi zhabs la phyag 'tshal/ he believed, and did homage at the Buddha's feet (SGN 17-18), sangs rgyas la dad pa skyes nas skyabs su bzung / he believed in the Buddha and took refuge (SGN 18), mo yang sangs rgyas dang /,,chos dang /,,dge 'dun la dad pa skyes/ she too believed in the Buddha, the doctrine and the monks (SGN 20).
p. byas/ f. bya/ imp. byos/
Biblical: to believe or trust in humans or visible objects; usually of a less religious character than dad pa/ but with some overlap in meaning: [e.g. compare nga tsho yid ches 'ong / (Mt. 27:42 RV) vs. nga cag gis kho la dad pa byed par 'gyur/ (Mt. 27:42 SV) we will believe Jesus]. 'grub pa la the tshom med par yid ches na/ if, without doubting, [he] believes that it will be done (Mk. 11:23), khyed kyis khong la ci'i phyir yid ma ches/ why didn't you believe him? (Mt. 21:25), ngas zer na khyed kyis yid mi ches/ if I tell you, you will not believe me (Lk. 22:67).
Buddhist: sems kyi bde sdug myong tshor shugs che bar yid ches byed kyi yod/ I believe that mental suffering and happiness are the more acute (DLP 8), yid ches 'os pa/ that which can be believed (AMD).