[hon. khrus gsol/ var. 'khrud gsol/ ]
Biblical: wash; used in various verbal compounds to mean wash, bathe, or baptize: 1) ordinary washing: lag pa khrus nas/ after washing hands (Mk. 7:2-4); 2) water baptism: yor dan nang khrus blangs/ they were baptized in the Jordan River (Mt. 3:6); 3) baptism with the Holy Spirit: khyed la dam pa'i thugs nyid kyi khrus gsol bar 'gyur/ you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit (Ac. 1:4), khong gis khyed tshor dam pa'i thugs nyid dang me'i khrus gsol bar 'gyur ro/ He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire (Lk. 3:16).
Buddhist: 1) khrus bya ba/ a symbolic washing during a Bst. initiation (TRI 26); 2) khrus gsol byed pa/ to wash or bathe images or their surroundings in a shrine, temple, or area holding ritual objects (TDC 287); 3) khrus gsum byed pa/ "taking a threefold bath" - a tantric ritual (TRI 27); 4) chu bo gang ga la khrus byed pa/ ritual washing in the waters of the Ganges (TRC 96).
Cognates: 1) khrus len/ or khrus gsol len/ to take or receive baptism: khrus len du 'ong ba'i mi tshogs/ the crowds who were coming to be baptized (Lk. 3:7), nga tsho ye shu ma shi ka dang gcig tu gyur ba'i khrus gsol len tshad/ as many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus (Rom. 6:3); 2) khrus bzhes/ [hon. of khrus len/ ] to receive or take baptism: sku khrus bzhes pa tsam gyis/ as soon as [Jesus] was baptized (Mt. 3:16); 3) khrus gtong / to baptize: ngas chu'i khrus gtong gis/ I baptize you with water (Mt. 3:11), yo ha nan gyis chu'i khrus btang / John baptized with water (Ac. 11:16); 4) khrus gnang / [hon.] to give baptism: ye shu nyid kyis khrus ma gnang bar/ Jesus himself was not baptizing (Jn. 4:1-2); 5) khrus thob/ or khrus gsol thob/ to receive or get baptism: dad cing khrus thob pa rnams/ whoever believes and is baptized (Mk. 16:16), pho mo thams cad la khrus gsol thob bo/ they were baptized, both men and women (Ac. 8:12); N.B. khrus/ = bathing, washing, ablution; 'khrud/ p. bkrus/ or 'khrus/ f. bkru/ ; imp. khrus/ is the transitive verb "to wash". Alternate forms (according to older references) are 'khru/ and khru/ .
Biblical: to wash: phyag mi bsil ba mthong nas/ seeing that [Jesus] did not wash his hands.
Buddhist: phyag bsil gyi chu gtor bar mdzad/ [The Buddha] scattered handfuls of water (SGN 16).