[lit. omen]
Biblical: miraculous sign, authenticating miracle: khyed las ltas shig mthong bar 'dod do/ we want to see a miraculous sign from you (Mt. 12:38), nam mkha' nas ltas shig ston/ show a sign from heaven (Mt. 16:1), ltas dang ngo mtshar che ba mang po bstan to/ many wonders and miraculous signs were done (Acts 2:43), mthu che ba dang /,,ngo mtshar dang /,,ltas/ miracles, wonders, and signs (Acts 2:22).
Buddhist: see miracle.
[lit. sign, token, mark]
Biblical: sign, symbol, portent: dus kyi mtha' ma'i rtags/ the sign of the end of the age (Mt. 24:3), mi'i bu'i mngon rtags/ the sign of the Son of Man (Mt. 24:30), nyi ma dang zla ba dang skar ma'i nang la rtags 'byung 'ong / there will be signs in the sun, moon and stars (Lk. 21:25), skad gzhan rnams dad pa can gyi phyir min par dad med rnams kyi phyir rtags su yin/ tongues, then, are a sign, not for believers but for unbelievers (1 Cor. 14:22).
Buddhist: 1) rtags/ sign or mark, e.g the characteristics that distinguish a people group; e.g. the rtags/ of Europeans is considered to be a big nose (AMD), mkhas pa'i rtags/ a sign of skill (KPU 14), 'byongs rtags/ the sign of having studied (UCO 149); 2) male or female reproductive organs are also called rtags/ (AMD); 3) in Bst. logic, rtags/ is reason: rtags yag dag gsum/ three correct reasons (TRI 108); 4) chu rtags/ [lit. urine signs] a test in traditional Tibetan medicine (TMB 23); 5) ming rtag signature (TDC 1065); 6) rgyal rtag national emblem (TDC 1065); 7) glen rtag [idiot + sign] stupidity (TDC 1065); 8) rang rtag [own + sign] intrinsic characteristics (TDC 1065).