Biblical: miracle, miraculous sign: ltas shig mthong bar 'dod/ we want to see a miraculous sign (Mt. 12:38), lung ston pa yo na'i ltas/ the sign of the prophet Jonah (Mt. 12:39), ngo mtshar che ba'i ltas/ wondrous signs [done by false prophets] (Mt. 24:24), ltas dang ngo mtshar rnams/ great signs and wonders [miracles] (Acts 8:13).
Buddhist: 1) an omen, e.g. a cup accidentally broken before a journey as a sign of ill luck ahead (AMD), mtshan ltas byung ba red/ a dream-omen appeared (TRC 112); 2) a sign, mark, or characteristic: 'chi ltas lnga/ the five signs of death (TRC 272).
Proverbs: ngan pa'i rjes la ltas ngan gtam ngan yod/ bad omens and bad news follow a bad man (KPU 21).
p. bstan/ [hon. ltas mdzad/ ]
Biblical: to do a miracle, perform a miraculous sign: ltas mang po ma bstan tam/ did we not perform many miracles (Mt. 7:22), ngo mtshar che ba'i las dang ltas bstan/ [Stephen] did great wonders and miraculous signs (Acts 6:8), ltas bstan pa'i lung ston pa rdzus ma/ the false prophet who had performed miraculous signs (Rev. 19:20), khyed tsho'i dkyil du ltas mdzad pa/ [God] works miracles among you (Gal. 3:5).
Cognates: ltas ston pa/ workers of miracles (1 Cor. 12:28).
[lit. wonder]
Biblical: a wonder; a miraculous sign: mthu che ba dang /,,ngo mtshar dang /,,ltas/ miracles, wonders, and signs (Acts 2:22), ltas dang ngo mtshar mang po/ many miraculous signs and wonders (Acts 5:12), ltas dang ngo mtshar dang mthu yis bzod pa chen pos sku tshab dngos ma'i rtags/ the things that mark an apostle--signs, wonders and miracles (2 Cor. 12:12).
Buddhist: a miracle (AMD) or wonder: 'phrul bzo rig gnas kyis phyogs gang sar ngo mtshar che ba'i bya ba mang po bsgrubs yod/ technology has worked wonders in many fields (DLP 1), ngo mtshar rin chen rnam gsum/ wondrous three jewels (HTE 170). Miracles and wonders are quite common in the Bst. scriptures; some of them parallel to stories found in the Bible; e.g. Shantideva's feeding of a multitude from a single bowl of rice (MTB 3) or Minapa's sojourn in the stomach of a large fish (see Jonah).
Biblical: strength, might, miraculous power: mi 'di la shes rab dang mthu stobs 'di 'dra gang nas brnyed/ where did this man get this wisdom and these miraculous powers (Mt. 13:54), nga las mthu stobs che/ one who is more powerful than I (Mt. 3:11).
Buddhist: 1) natural power or strength; normally used of kings, heroes, etc. (AMD); 2) supernatural powers, e.g. of the gods to change into other forms (AMD) or magical or occult powers: thogs pa med pa'i mthu/ the power of the Buddha to act without obstruction (TRC 74), sangs rgyas dang /,,chos/,,dge 'dun gsum nus mthu che'ang / although the Buddha, the dharma, and the sangha are powerful (TRC 77), rdzu 'phrul ston pa'i mthu rtsal med/ lacked the capacity to do miracles (TRC 16).
Cognates: 1) mthu che ba/ [lit. great power] miracle: mthu che ba dang /,,ngo mtshar dang /,,ltas kyi sgo nas/ by miracles, wonders, and signs (Acts 2:22); 2) nus pa mthu can/ potential (TRC 288).
Biblical: miracle, sign, wonder; also illusion, counterfeit miracle: rdzu 'phrul dang /,,las ngo mtshar che ba/ counterfeit miracles, signs, and wonders (2 Thes. 2:9,10).
Buddhist: rdzu 'phrul/ miracle, sign, wonder. The capacity to do miracles is believed to be acquired through meditation, karmic forces, or tantric practices (TRI 226) and is one of the marks of a Buddha or boddhisattva: rdzu 'phrul la dbang ba/ the capacity to do miracles (KBT 79), bsam gtan dang /,,mngon shes/,,rdzu 'phrul/ trances, clairvoyances, and psychic powers (TRC 202), rdzu 'phrul gyi rkang ba bzhi/ the four causes [lit. legs] of miracles (qualities gained by boddhisattvas) (CNG 42), mthu dang rdzu 'phrul sogs la thogs pa med pa/ [the great tantric master Padmasambhava], who was without impediment in his capacity and power to work wonders (TRC 136); rdzu 'phrul ston pa'i mthu rtsal med/ lacked the capacity to do miracles (TRC 16), rdzu 'phrul mang po bstan pas/ because [the Buddha] did many miracles (SGN 16).