Biblical: a state or feeling of shame: rang gi ngo tsha ba'i dpal ngom par byed do/ their glory is their shame (Phil. 3:19), kho ngo tsha bar 'gyur ba'i phyir kho dang ma 'grogs shig do not associate with him, in order that he may feel ashamed (2 Thes. 3:14).
Buddhist: 1) a sense of shame ngo tsha shes pa/ or propriety is counted as a virtue that keeps one from inappropriate actions for fear of being exposed and losing face (KBT 16), ngo tsha ba'i 'dod chags/ shameful lusts (Rom. 1:26). By contrast, shamelessness ngo tsha med pa/ and non-embarrassment khrel med pa/ are counted as secondary afflictions nye ba'i nyon mongs pa/ to be overcome; 2) in modern usage, ngo tsha/ may be simply a sense of embarrassment or a loss of face: grong khyer gyi gzhon nu la las rkang 'khor 'khor gsum can gtong ba ni gzhan las dman pa dang ngo tsha dgos pa zhig red/ some young people felt work as a pedicab driver was demeaning and a loss of face (SLR 11).
Proverbs: rang 'dod can gyi mi la ngo tsha med/ selfish people have no sense of shame (KPU 8).
[var. skyengs/ kha skyengs/ ] p. skyengs/
Biblical: to be ashamed: mkhas pa skyeng du 'jig rten gyi blun po 'dams/ chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise (1 Cor. 1:27-9), khong la dad rnams skyengs par mi 'gyur ro/ the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame (Rom. 9:33), rgol mkhan la nga tshor gtam ngan smra rgyu med pas skyengs par 'gyur ro/ those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us (Tit. 2:8).
[hon. thugs khrel/ ]
Biblical: shame, aversion: ma shi ka pa yin pa'i don du sdug bsngal 'byung na/,,mi khrel bar ming de'i phyir dkon mchog la bstod pa phul zhig if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name (1 Pet. 4:16), de tsho'i dkon mchog ces zhu yang thugs mi khrel lo/ God is not ashamed to be called their God (Heb. 11:16).
Buddhist: khrel yod pa/ embarrassment, is similar to ngo tsha shes pa/ a sense of shame that prevents inappropriate action for fear of social disapproval (KBT 16-17); propriety, modesty; one of the so-called 'phags pa'i nor bdun/ or seven noble treasures (SGN 16). One who lacks this quality is called a khrel med pa ma rabs che ba zhig a shameless scoundrel (TRC 331).
Biblical: bashfulness, modesty, or shame: khong de dag gi dkon mchog ces zer ba la thugs ma 'dzem mo/ God is not ashamed to be called their God (Heb. 11:16 SV).
Secular: 'dzem dogs med pa/ immodest, shameless (SBC-1, 64).
[lit. down + throw] p. phab/ f. dbab/ imp. phob/
Biblical: to put to shame, humiliate, abuse: de rnams kyis kho'i mgo la rdung zhing dma' 'bebs byas so/ they struck this man on the head and treated him shamefully (Mar. 12:4).