[lit. knowledge + good]
Biblical: used in the Revised NT for "conscience", but not a widely understood term. Conscience is a Biblical concept implying an inner moral judgement: kha cig gis shes bzang spangs te dad pa nub bo/ some have lost their faith by abandoning their conscience (1 Tim. 1:19), de tsho'i blo gros dang /,,bshes bzang gnyis ka grib can yin/ both their minds and consciences are corrupted (Tit. 1:15), bsnyen bkur byed pa de'i shes bzang phun sum tshogs pa byed mi thub/ the conscience of the worshiper could not be made clear (Heb. 9:9).
Buddhist: The inner moral awareness of right and wrong can be expressed by: legs nyes 'byed pa'i blo yi nus pa/ the ability to decide between right and wrong (DLP 23). See shame.
[lit. good + bad + know]
Biblical: conscience; used in various compounds: rang gi bzang ngan rtogs pa'i shes/ their consciences bearing witness (Rom. 2:15 SV), mi thams cad kyi bzang ngan shes pa/ every man's conscience (2 Cor. 4:2 SV), bzang ngan shes pa bzang po/ a good conscience (1 Tim. 1:5 SV), shes pa bzang po zhig a clear conscience (Heb. 13:18 SV).
[lit. heart]
Biblical: physical heart; also used figuratively to mean emotions or moral nature; conscience: snying drang po'i ngang nas/ on account of conscience (Rom. 13:5 SV), de dag gi snying brtan po med/ their conscience is weak (1 Cor. 8:7 SV), snying dag pa'i ngang la/ with a clear conscience (2 Tim. 1:3 SV), de dag gi blo dang snying la grib phog pa yin/ both their minds and consciences are corrupted (Tit. 1:15 SV), khyed kyi snying shi ba yin pa'i las rnams las 'dag par mdzad par 'gyur/ cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death (Heb. 9:14 SV).
[lit. oppose + agree + know]
Biblical: conscience: 'gal mthun shes pa'i phyir ma za zhig do not eat for conscience' sake (1 Cor. 10:28 SV).