Biblical: to conquer, overcome, be victorious: 'di thams cad nang nga tshor byams par mdzad po'i mthus rab tu rgyal lo/ in all these things, in the power of the one who loves us, we conquer (Rom. 8:37).
Buddhist: sems mchog rgyal ba/ the Buddhas (HTE 182), tshang ma las rgyal ba/ [the Buddha] was victorious over them all (SGN 5).
Cognates: rgyal ba rin po che/ "precious conqueror"; title of the Dalai Lama.
p. bcom/ or bcoms/ imp. chom/
Biblical: to conquer, overcome, or destroy: 'joms par byed cing 'joms su thon no/ [he] went out conquering, and to conquer (Rev. 6:2).
Buddhist: 1) to destroy or overcome: nad rgyu dang bcas pa rtsa ba nas 'joms par byed pa'i sman/ a powerful medicine which destroys the root of the illness and its causes (TRC 76), 'byung bzhis 'joms pa/ overcome by the four elements [i.e. corruptible] (TRC 167), me chen de 'joms pa'i thabs/ a way to extinguish the great fire (SGN 14), bum pa tho bas bcom pa/ destruction of a pot by a hammer (TRC 94); 2) in a figurative sense, overcoming the enemies of illusion, etc. which obstruct the Bst. on the path to nirvana: dgra 'joms pa'i mtshon cha/ a foe-destroying weapon (TRC 167), dgra bcom pa/ a foe-destroyer, [Skt. arhat] one who has attained nirvana according to the Hinayana theg dman/ school (CNG 77); 3) the Buddha sangs rgyas bcom ldan 'das/ is a common term for the Buddha [lit. Buddha + victorious + passed].
Cognates: bsdus 'joms/ one of the eight hot hells (TRC 229).
p. btul/ or thul/ f. gdul/ imp. thul/
Biblical: subdue, conquer: dad pa'i sgo nas de rnams kyis rgyal khams btul/ by faith they conquered kingdoms (Heb. 11:33).
Buddhist: 1) to subdue or to tame: dgra mgo 'dul bar dgos rgyu'i dgos cha gnyis/ there are two reasons why you must be able to subdue your enemies (KPU 12), dgra 'dul gnyen skyong / guarding friends and subduing enemies - of a person who lives for this present life alone (TRC 216); 2) mental training or discipline by which obstacles to spiritual progress are removed (KTM): rang sems 'dul thabs/ mental training (DLP 8); 3) the 'dul ba/ or vinaya is the set of vows that must be observed by Bst. monks and nuns, and forms one of the three principal divisions 'dul ba'i sde snod/ of the Bst. scriptures. It is a major course of study in the monasteries. The actual rules of monastic conduct are known as the 'dul krims/ .
p. bcug f. gzhug imp. chug or chugs/
Biblical: to put in subjection, put under one's power, subdue: de dag gis dad pa'i sgo nas rgyal khams rnams 'bangs su bcug through faith they conquered kingdoms (Heb. 11:33 SV).
Cognates: dpon 'bangs/ aristocracy and subjects (KPU 10).