[var. 'phrin bzang / ] [lit. news + good]
Biblical: the gospel, the good news of Christ: rgyal srid kyi phrin bzang / the gospel of the kingdom (Mt. 24:14), phrin bzang 'chad pa/ to preach the gospel (Acts 8:25), khong gi sras po'i 'phrin bzang / the gospel of his Son (Rom. 1:9 SV). las ka ni 'phrin bzang bzhi dang mi sna bcas phal skad la 'gyur bya'o/ the work was putting the four Gospels and Acts into spoken language (DPD).
Buddhist: A literary term for good news; often used in writing letters (AMD).
news, situation, actuality. The term gnas tshul yag po/ has been used in spoken language for "good news" in the sense of "gospel".
Buddhist: phebs ma thub pa'i gnas tshul/ the news of their being unable to return (TRC 154), legs nyes kyi gnas tshul/ the gospel of good and evil (TRC 166), gnas tshul yag po shes dgos pa/ must understand the actual situation (TRC 242), bden pa bzhi'i gnas tshul/ the actuality of the four truths (TRC 257), blo pham gyi gnas tshul/ sad news (DLP 1), sangs rgyas bcom ldan 'das yul der phebs pa'i gnas tshul/ the news that the Buddha was coming (SGN 14).
Cognates: gnas tshul 'dri sa/ sign over information desk at Lhasa airport.