Biblical: 1) an attribute of God, his works, and his law: ya ho wa bzang zhing drang bas/ good and upright is the Lord (Ps. 25:8), bzang po ni gcig go there is only One who is good (Mt. 19:7), dkon mchog gis mdzad pa thams cad bzang po yin/ everything God created is good (1 Tim. 4:4), bka' ni dam pa dang drang po dang bzang po yin/ the commandment is holy, righteous, and good (Rom. 7:12); 2) good or righteous: mi bzang po zhig a righteous man (Rom. 5:7), g.yog po bzang zhing drang po/ good and faithful servant (Mt. 25:21); 3) moral good in general: bzang ngan rtogs pa'i shing / the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Gen. 2:9), las bzang byed mkhan su gcig kyang mi 'dug there is no one who does good, not even one (Ps. 14:3); 4) occasionally used of the quality or usefulness of objects: yul de'i gser bzang po yin/ the gold of that land is good (Gen. 2:12); sa bzang po/ good soil (Lk. 8:15).
Buddhist: 1) morally good: las bzang po'i 'bras bu rdzogs nas/ when the fruit of his good works is finished (TRC 260), 'gro ba mi tshang mar dga' nye'i 'du shes 'dzin pa'i sems pa bzang po/ a sense of affection for all humanity (DLP 15), rjes 'brangs slob ma rnams mi bzang po zhig tu sgyur rgyu'i nus pa/ the ability to make their followers into better people (DLP 18), dge ba'i lam bzang ston par mdzad pa/ to point out the path of [moral] goodness (DLP 18), sems pa bzang po yar rgyas gong 'phel gtong ba/ to develop a good heart (DLP 22), las bzang / good works, good deeds (KPU 21), dge 'dun rnams ya rab spyod bzang 'dug the monks were fine men of noble behavior (DPD); 2) good in quality: sman bzang bo drug the six good medicines (CNG 72), mchod pa dang bkur sti bzang po mdzad/ made good offerings and worship (TRC 114), mi'i lus bzang po/ the good body of a human being (TRC 260), gtam bzang / a good reputation (KPU 21), rgyud bzang / a good breed [of dog] (SLR 14); 3) fortunate or auspicious: mtshan bzang po/ a mark or physical feature of a Buddha (TRI 221); 4) skilled: nad g.yog bzang po/ a good nurse (TRC 76); 5) beneficial: mthun pa'i grogs bzang po/ an agreeable companion (TRC 198); 6) often used in names: blo bzang / "noble minded", skal bzang / "good fortune", rin chen bzang po/ Rinchen Sangpo, one of the early translators (TRC 116).
Proverbs: 1) pha rol phyug po longs spyod dgos 'dod na/,,'di ru sprang po'i skyid sdug bltas pa bzang / if you want to be rich in the next life, it's good to think of the poverty of beggars now (KPU 8); 2) gzhon pa'i shed las rgad po'i jus bya bzang / it's better to have the wisdom of age than the strength of youth (KPU 13); 3) bzang la bzang dang ngan la ngan/ [do] good to the good and evil to the wicked (KPU 20); 4) bzang po 'ongs pa'i rjes la gtam bzang yod/ where good men go, good reputation follows (KPU 21); 5) ngan lan bzang 'jal/ to repay evil with kindness [a Bst. ideal] (TQP 78).
Cognates: 1) bzang ngan/ [lit. good + bad] a) how good or bad something is; quality: bla mas de'i bzang ngan la bltas/ the priest will judge its quality as good or bad (Lev. 27:14), bzang ngan gyi brtag dpyad byas nas/ after examining its quality (TRC 184), b) moral: deng sang 'dzam gling yongs khyab tu mi spyod bzang ngan gyi rnyog 'dzings/ the modern worldwide moral crisis (DLP 3); 2) gzhan phan lhag bsam bzang po/ humanitarianism: yongs khyab kyi rang bzhin ldan pa'i 'gro ba mi'i gzhan phan lhag bsam bzang po/ universal humanitarianism (DLP 4); 3) 'phrin bzang / good news, gospel (DPD).
Biblical: 1) moral good in general: dkon mchog gis 'od legs pa yin par gzigs te/ God saw that the light was good (Gen. 1:4), khyed tsho'i rlom sems de mi legs/ your boasting is not good (1 Cor. 5:6); 2) fine, noble, commendable: snying legs mo dang bzang po/ a noble and good heart (Lk. 8:15), don bzang po zhig gi phyir mdza' ba ni rtag tu legs/ it is fine to be zealous, provided the purpose is good (Gal. 4:18), ji ste bzang po byas nas gnod pa bzod na dkon mchog gi legs so thob bo/ if you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God (1 Pet. 2:20); 3) beneficial: jo bo lags/,,nged cag 'dir bzhugs pa legs/ Lord, it is good for us to be here (Mt. 17:4), chung ma ma blang na legs/ it is good for a man not to marry (1 Cor. 7:1); 4) good in quality: tshwa legs/ salt is good (Mk. 9:50), bka' lan legs pa/ a good answer (Mk. 12:28), ston thog legs pa/ a good crop (Lk. 12:16), legs po rnams/ good things (Lk. 16:25).
Buddhist: 1) good, excellent: legs pa'i blo gros/ excellent wisdom (KBT 66); 2) good: 'di lta bu'i shes rig slob sbyong yongs khyab tu yod pa des legs pa'i cha gong nas gong 'phel gtong ma thub/ universal education does not seem to have fostered goodness (DLP 1); 3) legs par/ well: legs par shes pa/ to understand well (TRC 331), rig gnas shes bya legs par slob/ to study cultural knowledge well (TCR 1).
Biblical: 1) welfare, benefit, profit: mi la 'jig rten hril po thob kyang /,,rang srog brlag na ci phan/ what good is it if a man gains the whole world but loses his own life (Mt. 16:26), dkon mchog la byams pa rnams la bya ba thams cad 'dzoms nas phan pa'i rgyur 'gyur ba/ in all things God works for the good of those who love him (Rom 8:28); 2) to be good for, to benefit: nga 'gro ba ni khyed la phan no/ it is good for you that I go (Jn. 16:7), khyed la phan mkhan la phan na/ if you do good to those who are good to you (Lk. 6:33), khyod la phan phyir dkon mchog gi zhabs phyi yin/ he is God's servant to do you good (Rom. 13:4).
Buddhist: profit, help, benefit: phan tshun gnyis phan/ mutual benefit (DLP 11), chos ma gtogs gang gis kyang mi phan pa/ no benefit from any source other than religion (TRC 227), gzhan la phan sems/ charity; the wish to benefit others (TRC 345), gzhan phan lhag bsam ldan pa'i blo gros/ altruism (DLP 2).
Cognates: 1) phan yon/ benefit: tshig brjod pa'i phan yon/ the benefit of [merely] saying the word (TRC 74); 2) phan grogs/ companion (TRC 76); 3) phan thogs/ benefit: phan thogs rgya chen po/ wide benefit (TRC 154); 4) phan 'dogs/ to be beneficial to: pu gu la phan 'dogs pa'i zas za ba/ to eat food that is beneficial to [her] children (TRC 330); 5) 'gro ba mi'i gzhan phan lhag bsam bzang po'i rin thang / humanitarian values (DLP 2); 5) khe phan/ advantage, gain, benefit (DLP 19).