Biblical: the most general term for a state of fear. In a Christian sense it implies awe of and reverence for God, but other types of fear are also mentioned in the Bible: 1) fear of men: mi rnams la 'jigs pas/ they feared the people (Mk. 11:32), 'jig rten gyi lugs su dpon po yin pa rnams la/,,'jigs shing 'dar gyin blo drang pos kha la nyon/ obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart (Eph. 6:5), rgyal po'i khro ba la ma 'jigs par/ not fearing the king's anger (Heb. 11:27); 2) fear of the supernatural: de mthong ste tshabs nas 'jigs so/ on seeing [the angel], he was terrified (Lk. 1:12), 'dre'o zer zhing 'jigs pas 'bod bsgrags so/ "It's a ghost," they said, and cried out in fear (Mt. 14:26), 'jigs shing 'dar zhing rang gi thar pa sgrubs shig work out your salvation with fear and trembling (Phil. 2:12), mo shes kyang nga 'jigs shing 'dar ro/ Moses said, "I am trembling with fear." (Heb. 12:21); 3) fear of God: dkon mchog la mi 'jigs sam/ don't you fear God? (Lk. 23:40), nga tshos gtso bo la 'jigs par shes nas/ we know what it is to fear the Lord (2 Cor. 5:11), dkon mchog la 'jigs shig,,/rgyal po la gus shig fear God, honor the king (1 Pet. 2:17); 4) fear of future events: 'du khang gi khyu nas 'bud pa'i 'jigs pas/ for fear they would be put out of the synagogue (Jn. 12:42).
Buddhist: 1) fear of physical harm: chu logs la 'jigs so rung ba/ it is appropriate to fear a flood (KTM); 2) fear of future events: 'tsho ba med pa'i 'jigs pa/ fear of not finding a means of livelihood, mi bsngags pa'i 'jigs pa/ fear of not being praised, 'khor gyi 'jigs pa/ fear of not finding followers, ngan 'gro'i 'jigs pa/ fear of lower rebirths (TRI 87), ngan song gi sdug bsngal sogs kyi 'jigs pa/ fear of the sufferings in the three evil destinies (TRC 73). 3) The fear of death and suffering is important in Bsm. as a motivator of religious practice: skyes bu chung ngu'i mchog zer yag de ni/,,tshe 'di ring du mi gnas pa dang /,,dge sdig gi las 'bras la yid ches rnyed nas phyi ma ngan song la skye ba blang gi dogs pas 'jigs shing skrag the so-called superior small individual [is one who] sees that this life does not last long and has faith in karma and fears an evil rebirth (TRC 217). Deliverance from this fear is the province of the lamas who read the famous Bardo Thodol text: thos sgrol de thos pa dang /,,'jigs pa las sgrol kyi yod pas na thos grol zhes brjod pa yin/ because it is heard and because it delivers from fear, it is called the Bardo Thodol (DPD). The Buddhas (who are fearless) and dkon mchog gsum/ also deliver from fear: dkon mchog gsum gyis gzhan 'jigs pa las skyob pa'i tshul ni/,,dper na/,,nad drag pos zin pa'i nad pa zhig gi nad kyi 'jigs pa las skyob pa la nad kyi ngo bo rgyu dang bcas pa dang /,,de las thar ba'i thabs sman bcos sogs la shin tu mkhas shing /,,sman la sogs pa thabs mkhas kyis bster bar byed mkhan gyi em rje mkhas pas nad pa'i sdug bsngal las skyob bar byed pa de bzhin du sangs rgyas bcom ldan 'das kyis kyang sems can gyi sdug bsngal rgyu dang bcas pa ji lta ba bzhin du ma khyen cing /,,de las thar ba'i thabs la ma zab mo phyin ci ma log bar ston pa'i sgo nas 'gro sdug bsngal las skyob pa mdzad gnang gi yod pa red/ The way in which the three jewels save others from fear is, for example, as follows: Just as a man seized by fear due to a serious illness may be freed from his fear by a doctor highly skilled in a treatment which frees from the nature and causes of the disease, so the Buddha also, knowing exactly the misery of living creatures and its cause, delivers beings from misery by way of teaching without error the deep path which is the method of release (TRC 76). Tibetans unfamiliar with the Bible may regard the phrase dkon mchog la 'jigs mkhan/ (God-fearer) as inappropriate, since in dkon mchog there is nothing of which to be afraid (AMD).
Cognates: 1) 'jigs snang / fear: 'jigs snang skye ba'i gnas/ a fearful place (TRC 218), 'jigs snang dang dngangs 'tshab/ fear and tension (DLP 1); 2) 'jigs dngangs/ = 'jigs snang / fearful: 'jigs dngangs dang ngo lkog sbas gsang ma dgos pa/ need not be fearful, deceitful, or secretive (RRT 282 n. 23); 3) ma 'jigs par/ fearlessly: (Phil. 1:14); 4) mi 'jigs pa/ fearlessness, an attribute of the Buddhas: (KBT 72); 5) 'jigs byed/ one of the three principal tantric texts of the Gelugpas; collectively known as the gsang bde 'jigs gsum/ ; 6) 'jigs nyen/ [lit. fear + danger] threat: rdul phran gyi 'jigs nyen/ the nuclear threat (DLP 7).
Biblical: to be violently afraid, terrified: skrags te mig phur tshugs su bltas nas/ [Cornelius] stared at him in fear (Acts 10:4), nye gnas rnams kyis khong mtsho'i khar zhabs 'chag pa mthong nas skrag ste/ when the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified (Mt. 14:26).
Buddhist: 1) intense fear, terror: skrag nas snying rtsa 'dar/ to shake in the very heart from fear, de dag la mi skrag pa/ not terrified of them (TRC 360); 2) fear of suffering and death, which motivates religious practice: sdug bsngal thams cad la snying nas skrag cing /,,de las skyob pa'i nus pa dkon mchog gsum la yod pa'i yid ches brtan pos re ba shugs chen po byed pa la/,,skyabs 'gro zer ba red/,,dper na/,,phru gu lo lnga drug tsam son pa shig,,khyi gtum po zhig gis ded pa'i skabs/,,phru gu de khyi de la shin tu skrag cing /,,de las skyob pa'i nus pa pha ma la yod yid ches brtan pos re ba shugs chen po byed pa dang 'dra ba yin/ Being deeply fearful of all suffering and firmly believing with a strong hope that the three jewels have power to save from suffering is called going for refuge. It is like, for example, when a 5 or 6 year old child is pursued by a fierce dog. He is terrified of the dog, and firmly believes that his parents can save him from it (REF 115). The Buddhas are believed to be immune from fear sems la sgrib pa med cing skrag pa med/ [boddhisattvas] have no mental obscurations and no fear (HSU 168).
Proverbs: mdun du spyang kir skrag pa dang /,,rgyab tu stag la skrag pa/ to fear a wolf from the front and a tiger from the rear - i.e. to be terrified (KTM).
Cognates: dngangs skrag panic (DLP 3).
[lit. fear + terror]
Biblical: to be terrified, panic stricken, greatly afraid: 'di thos pa thams cad 'jigs skrags so/ great fear seized all who heard what had happened (Acts 5:5).
Buddhist: 'jigs skrag used of supernatural fear: de'i ring la bar do'i lha tshogs zhi ba dang khro bo mang po mthong snang du 'jigs skrags skyed/ while in the Bardo, the [soul is] terrified by the appearance of its various gods (DPD).
Biblical: to be apprehensive, concerned, worried, or afraid of a future event (also suspicious or doubtful): rang gi las mngon gyis dogs pas/ fears that his deeds will be exposed (Jn. 3:20), sir ti ru 'khyer dogs kyis/ fearing they would run aground on Syrtis (Acts 27:17), khyed tsho'i 'dod pa bzhin nga med par mthong gis dogs so/ I am afraid you may not find me as you want me to be (2 Cor. 12:20).
Buddhist: re dogs/ hopes and fears (HTE 178), da ni su la'ang mi re mi dogs so/ now have no hope or doubts about anyone (HTE 178).
Cognates: dogs zon/ to watch out for: g.yo sgyur dogs zon dgos/ watch out for deceit (KPU 15), dras pa'i mi de dag la dogs zon byos shig watch out for those mutilators of the flesh (Phil. 3:2 SV).
Biblical: to be reverentially or respectfully afraid or apprehensive; also to be timid: khyed dkon mchog la bag byed pa'i zhabs phyi/ you God-fearing servants (Rev. 19:5), dkon mchog la gus pa'i bag byed/ holy fear (Heb. 11:7 SV).
Cognates: 1) bag yod/ restrained or prudent; 2) bag med/ [lit. no fear] a person who has no fear of authority; heedless, reckless, or imprudent; 3) bag 'khum/ intimidated, cowardly; 4) bag srab/ sensitive: skye bo sems bag srab pa/ a sensitive person (DLP 1); 5) bag phebs/ content: sems bag mi phebs pa/ mental discontent (DLP 1).