Biblical: to befriend or associate with; by extension, to have fellowship: 1) to have fellowship with God: gtso bo ye shu ma shi ka dang 'grogs phyir khyed tsho bos par mdzad pa'i dkon mchog God, who has called you into fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord (1 Cor. 1:9), dam pa'i thugs nyid kyi 'grogs lugs/ the fellowship of the Holy Spirit (2 Cor. 13:14); 2) fellowship with man: nga tsho phan tshun 'grogs pa yin/ we are in fellowship one with another (1 Jn. 1:7).
Buddhist: Bsm. has both a positive and negative view of association with other people: 1) association with lay people creates barriers to religious practice and is seen as an obstacle gang dang 'grogs na dug gsum 'phel 'gyur/ from associating with others, the three poisons increase (GSL 8); 2) association with other Bsts. is viewed positively (see grogs/ ).
Biblical: friend, associate, or helper: mnyam grogs kyi rtags yin pa'i lag g.yas/ the right hand of fellowship (Gal. 2:9).
Buddhist: Friendship with and attachment to lay people is an obstacle to religious practice in Bsm. However, friendship with like-minded Bsts. who will encourage religious practice is seen positively: 1) mthun pa'i grogs bzang po/ a good companion who is in agreement with one's religious aims (TRC 198); 2) zla grogs/ a close companion sdig pa spong zhing dge ba sgrub pa'i zla grogs/ friends who forsake sin and make merit (REF 115), zla grogs gzhan la'ang de bzhin du sgrub pa'i bskul grogs byed pa'i sgo nas 'jigs pa las skyob pa mdzad kyi yod pa red/ it saves from fear by encouraging other companions also to accomplish [the dharma] (TRC 76), skyabs sgrub pa'i zla grogs yang dag pa/ the right religious companion who offers a refuge (TRC 73). This kind of friendship is idealized in the relationship of Bst. doctrine to the believer de'i tshe 'khyer rgyu yod pa'i grogs ni dam pa'i chos ma gtogs med/ at the time [of death] there is no companion other than the dharma which can carry one along (TRC 228), 'chi ba'i tshe mtha' gcig tu phan pa'i grogs po ni dam chos dge ba'i las/ the friend who definitely assists at the time of death is the virtuous action taught by the noble doctrine (TRC 228), 3) chos grogs/ fellow religionists, associates, or disciples; who may be Bst. (SGN 12) or Christian chos grogs tshos chu tsha po mang po bzos nas 'khrud gsol len sa'i 'jing nang la blugs/ my Christian friends poured much warm water into the place where I was to be baptized (DPD).
Cognates: 1) grogs po/ friend (DPD); 2) nye grogs/ a friend (DLP 14); 3) snying grogs/ a dear friend (TRC 228); 4) nye ba'i mdza' grogs/ a close friend (DLP 14); 5) sngar 'dris grogs/ an old friend with whom one is well-acquainted (HTE 210); 6) rtsed grogs/ playmates (SGN 3); 7) grogs po phyi rgyal ba tshos/ foreign friends (MHP 9); 8) grogs ngan/ bad companions: grogs ngan spong ba rgyal sras lag len yin/ to abandon evil companions is the practice of the sons of the Buddha (GSL 8); 9) las grogs/ fellow workers (AMD).
Proverbs: 1) snying gtam snying gi grogs la shod tshod gyis/,,snga grogs dgong dgrar song ba mang po yod/ watch what secrets you tell even your close friends, for many are the friends-turned-enemies (KPU 18); 2) thos pa de ni 'gyur ba med pa'i grogs kyi mchog lta bu'ang red/ learning [lit. thos pa/ hearing] is like the best of friends who doesn't change (TRC 167).
or mthun sbrel/ or mthun lam/
Biblical: friendship, good will, fellowship: mthun 'brel gyi mchod/ fellowship offering (2 Sam. 6:17 NTV).
Secular: mi dmangs dang mthun lam byed/ live peaceably with others (DPD).