Biblical: father: ab ra ham nga cag gi yab yin/ Abraham is our father (Mt. 3:9), khyod tsho'i nam mkha'i yab/ your heavenly Father (Mt. 5:48).
Buddhist: Spiritual fatherhood is recognized in Bsm; hence the honorific term yab/ may be applied to: 1) lamas: rje yab sras gsum/ are the three 14th century monks rje bdag nyid chen po/ Tsong Khapa, rgyal tshab dar ma rin chen/ Darma Rinchen, and mkhas grub dge legs dpal bzang / Gelek Palsang (SGC 266); 2) the Dalai Lama/Chenresi kun mkhyen yab sras brgyud pa rin po che/ the precious lineage of the all-knowing father and son (HTE 208); 3) male tantric deities (TRI 248) adorned with six ornaments, the so-called yab kyi phyag rgya drug (CNG 83); 4) as well as being an honorific term for biological father: pan chen rin po che nyid kyi yab/ the father of the Panchen Lama (MHP 8).
Biblical: the ordinary written and spoken term for father: pha ze bad ya mnyam du gru'i nang na/ with their father Zebedee in a boat (Mt. 4:21), sngon du nga'i pha dur du 'jug par 'gro ba'i dgongs pa gnong / first let me go and bury my father (Mt. 8:21).
Secular: khong gi pha ni na pho lun gyi lag 'og gi dmag dpon chen po zhig yin/ his father was a general in Napoleon's army (SBC-1 61).