Biblical: peace, contentment, safety, security, blessedness (AMD), state of beatitude or happiness: da khyed kyi mig bde'o/,,/des mthong ngo / blessed are your eyes because they see (Mt. 13:16), nga la bde legs brjod par 'gyur/ from now on [all generations] will call me blessed (Lk. 1:48), byed na khyed tsho bde'o/ you will be blessed if you do them (Jn. 13:17), len pa bas spyin pa bde'o/ it is more blessed to give than to receive (Ac. 20:35), mdo 'di'i lung bstan rnams srung ba de bde legs so/ Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy in this book. (Rev. 22:7).
Buddhist: bde ba/ bliss (KBT 104), yid mi bde ba/ unhappiness (KBT 36), zhi ba'i bde ba/ the blessing of peace (TRC 166), tshe phyi ma bde ba/ happiness in future lives (TRC 245), bde 'gro/ "those gone to the fortunate destinies", i.e. those who are reborn as gods, demigods, or men (TRI 141).
Cognates: 1) bde skyid/ happiness; 2) zhi bde/ peace; 3) bde sdug happiness and suffering; 4) bde ba can/ one of the Bst. heavens; see heaven; 5) bde chen/ great bliss; 6) stabs bde ba/ convenient (TRC 199).
Biblical: blessedness: dkon mchog gis thar bar brtsis pa'i mi la bkra shis/ the blessedness of the man whom God reckons as saved (Rom. 4:6), sdug sran byed pa rnams la nga tshos bkra shis brjod/ we call blessed those who have endured (Jas. 5:11), bkra shis pa yin pa khyod bde bar gyur cig Greetings, blessed one (Lk. 1:28 SV).
Buddhist: lucky, auspicious: bkra shis rdzas brgyad/ the eight auspicious articles (CNG 105), bkra shis lhun po/ Tashilhunpo monastery in Shigatse, bkra shis bde legs/ Tashi Delek (common greeting).