p. brlabs/ f. brlab/ imp. rlobs/
Biblical: to bless: phyag bzhag cing byin gyis brlabs/ put his hands on them and blessed them (Mk. 10:16), yab kyis byin gyis brlabs pa khyed/ you who are blessed by [my] Father (Mt. 25:34), sa gzhi'i khyim tshang thams cad byin gyis rlob par 'gyur/ all families of the earth will be blessed (Acts 3:25), i sag gis ya kob dang e sab gnyis la byin gyis rlabs so/ Isaac . . blessed both Jacob and Esau (Heb. 11:20).
Buddhist: see blessing.
p. gnang / f. gnang / imp. gnongs/ [hon.]
Biblical: to give a blessing: shim on gyis khong tshor byin rlabs gnang nas/ then Simon blessed [gave blessing to] them (Lk. 2:34), gtso bo dkon mchog gis khyod tshor byin rlabs gnang bar shog the Lord bless you (2 Sam. 2:5 NTV).
p. btang / f. gtang / imp. thong / or thongs/
Biblical: to bless: gzhan gyis smad na nga tshos byin rlabs gtong / when we are cursed, we bless (1 Cor. 4:12), chen pos chung ngu la byin rlabs gtong ba/ the lesser person is blessed by the greater (Heb. 7:7), byin rlabs thongs/ imperative form with alt. spelling khyed rang la 'tshe ba rnams la smon log ma 'debs par byin brlabs thongs shig bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse (Rom. 12:14).
p. mdzad/ f. mdzad/ imp. mdzod/
Biblical: to make blessed, bless: byin rlabs mdzad pa'i ring la/ while [Jesus] was blessing them (Lk. 24:51).