[hon. khrus gsol/ ]
Biblical: a bath or washing: 1) baptism (Gr. baptisma) yo ha nan gyi khrus/ John's baptism (Mt. 21:25), 'gyod tshangs kyi khrus/ a baptism of repentance (Mk. 1:4), khrus gsol de'i sgo nas nga tsho khong dang mnyam du shi nas dur du bcug pa yin/ through baptism we were buried with him (Rom. 6:4), gtso bo gcig,,/dad pa gcig,,/khrus gsol gcig one lord, one faith, one baptism (Eph. 4:5); 2) washing: chu gtsang mas lus khrus nas/ having our bodies washed with pure water (Heb. 10:22).
Secular: rma khrus ya/ washing of wounds (DPD). The honorific form khrus gsol/ is not in common spoken use today, but could be appropriately used e.g. of washing by a high lama (AMD). See baptize, below.
Cognates: 'khru 'khor/ washing machine.