[lit. sin + confess]
Biblical: to confess sin: mi sde'i sdig bshags kyi phyir du/ in order to make atonement for the sins of the people (Heb. 2:17), khong ni nga tsho'i sdig pa'i sdig bshags yin/ he is the atoning sacrifice for our sins (1 Jn. 2:2), nyid kyi sras nga tsho'i sdig bshags la gnang ba de yin/ gave his son as the atoning sacrifice for our sins (1 Jn. 4:10).
Buddhist: sdig bshags/ is admission and repentance of non-virtues by confession to one's spiritual teacher, who points out the fault and encourages better behaviour in the future: sdig pa bshags pa'i stobs bzhi/ the four powers of confession [reliance, renouncing faults, turning away from faults, overcoming adversaries]. Ultimately one must "carry the burden of one's own sin" sdig bsags rang khur/ (TDC 1463). The Tibetan Dhammapada says: gang du sdig pa'i las kyis mi tshugs pa'i/,,/sa phyogs de ni yod pa ma yin/ where can we go where our sins will not touch us? There is no such place (DMP 67) [cf. Ps. 103:12].