p. byung /
Biblical: to come into being, appear, arise, come into view: dkon mchog gi pho nya rmi lam du byung / an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream (Mt. 1:20), la las e li ya byung / some [said] Elijah had appeared (Lk. 9:8), nged thams cad ma shi ka'i bzhugs khri'i drung du byung / we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ (2 Cor. 5:10 SV).
Buddhist: 1) appear, arise: chos lug sa mi 'dra ba gang 'dras byung yod dam/ how did the different schools of Tibetan Buddhism arise? (TRC 135); 2) pad ma 'byung gnas/ [lit. "appeared from a lotus"] Padmasambhava: slob dpon chen po pad ma 'byung gnas/ the tantric teacher Padmasambhava (TRC 113).
Biblical: open, public, revealed, plain: 1) to appear, become visible; manifest: sku gzugs gzhan du gyur te mngon par mdzad pas/ [Jesus] appeared in a different form (Mk. 16:12), dpal dang ldan par mngon te/ appeared in splendor (Lk. 9:31), nga tsho'i mi tshe lags pa'i ma shi ka mngon pa'i dus su/ when Christ who is our life appears (Col. 3:4); 2) yo ha nan la mngon par mdzad pa/ the Revelation to John (Revised NT).
Buddhist: see revelation.
Biblical: to alter one's appearance; transform oneself miraculously, to appear in another form: bka' de sku lus ldan par sprul/ the Word became [lit. appeared in] the flesh (Jn. 1:14), ma shi ka mi ru sprul pa yin/ Christ appeared as man (1 Tim. 3:16) [cf. SV: khong ni sha'i nang na mngon par gyur/ he appeared in the flesh (1 Tim. 3:16)]. See descend.
Buddhist: The Buddhas are believed capable of manifesting in any form necessary to help living beings e.g. as human beings, clothes, medicine, food, or any other inanimate object (JPG 198). Hence: 1) sprul sku/ a person who, like the Dalai Lama, is recognized as a rebirth of previously deceased lama: rdo brag rig 'dzin chen po ni gu ru pad ma 'byung gnas kyi sprul sku yin pa bshad do/ it is said that Rigdzin Chenpo, founder of the line of monks at Dorje Trak, is the manifestation of Guru Padmasambhava (DPD). The sprul sku/ is believed to be reborn with the death of each of his predecessors, to be above conventional standards of behaviour, and to be a manifestation or emanation of a deity. 2) sprul pa'i sku/ a manifestation body: one of the three bodies of the Buddha (KBT 69); 3) a vision, apparition, or phantom: sprul pa'i bud med gar mkhan ma/ a vision of dancing girls (SGN 10), sprul pa'i grong khyer/ a phantom city (BLI 315); 4) a manifestation of a deity: spyan ras gzigs kyi sprul pa pre'u gcig a monkey, the emanation of the god Chenresi (DPD), rje btsun sgrol ma'i sprul pa brag srin mo/ the rock-demoness, the manifestation of the goddess Dolma (DPD).
[var. thon/ ] p. thon/ f. 'thon/ imp. thon/
Biblical: to become evident, appear: phi lib ni grong khyer a zod du thon/ Philip appeared at Azotus (Acts 8:40), mal ki tshe deg dang 'dra ba'i bla ma gzhan zhig 'thon na/ if another priest like Melchizedek appears (Heb. 7:15,16).
Secular: 1) appear: dbyang rlung mang tsam thon pa byed rgyu/ to make more oxygen appear (SLR 13); 2) to be produced: bzo grwa de nas thon pa'i sman/ the medicine produced by the factory (TMB 25).
Biblical: appearance in the sense of giving an impression of being like something else: khong ni glog 'drar snang ste/ his appearance was like lightning (Mt. 28:3), shes rab ltar snang / the appearance of wisdom (Col. 2:23).
Buddhist: 1) ordinary impressions or appearances, especially as contrasted with a mystical Bst. point of view: snang tshad 'khrul pa lags te/ whatever appears is delusion (HTE 188), 'khor ba rang snang tsam ste logs na med/ the world is nothing other than how things appear to you (HTE 184); 2) visions: snang gsum ni/,,ma dag pa'i snang ba/,,rnal 'byor nyams kyi snang ba/,,dag pa'i snang ba/ the three types of visions are impure visions, pure visions of yogic experience, and the pure vision (TRI 163); 3) sangs rgyas rnam par snang mdzad/ the Buddha Vairocana (TRC 198); 4) gya nom snang ba/ excellent appearance: (one of the types of beings in the form realm).
Cognates: 1) mi snang ba/ disappear: khong mi snang bar gyur to/ he disappeared (Lk. 24:31); 2) 'jigs snang / fear; 3) do snang / interest.
p. langs/ [hon. bzheng / ]
Biblical: to get up, arise: lung ston pa rdzus ma mang po lang zhing / and many false prophets will arise (Mt. 24:11), ma shi ka'i zhal che'i khri'i drung du lang bar dgos so/ we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ (2 Cor. 5:10), lung ston pa chen po zhig nga tsho'i dbus su bzhengs/ a great prophet has appeared among us (Luke 7:16).
Buddhist: 1) to arise, stand up: ting nge 'dzin de las bzhengs te/ arising from deep meditation (HSU 168), yar lang dus/ on standing up (TRC 271); 2) to build or put together a sacred object: tshon gyi dkyil 'khor bzhengs te/ constructing the mandala of colored stone dust (TRC 49), gtor ma bzhengs pa/ setting up torma offerings (DPD), mchod rten bzhengs pa/ to build a chorten (MHP 9).
Biblical: to perceive, see, or behold; either directly or by inference; to appear: khyod tsho'ang phyi nas mi la drang po mthong / on the outside you appear to people as righteous (Mt. 23:28), mthong bzor min par drang por thag chod cig stop judging by mere appearances (Jn. 7:24), spun lnga brgya las mang pos gcig car du mthong ste/ [He] appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers at the same time (1 Cor. 15:6 SV).
Buddhist: mthong ba'i lam/ the path of seeing; one of the five paths to enlightenment (KBT 63), shin tu mthong ba/ great perception - one of 17 types of beings in the form realm (KBT 118).