p. babs/ imp. 'bob/ or bobs/
Biblical: 1) to come down to earth from heaven; to enter the world: sprin gyi nang na ya ho wa babs nas/ the Lord came down in the cloud (Num. 11:25), gtso bo'i pho nya nam mkha' nas babs te/ an angel of the Lord came down from heaven (Mt. 28:2), nam mkha' nas babs pa'i bag leb de nga yin/ "I am the bread that came down from heaven" (Jn. 6:41), thugs nyid phug ron ltar nam mkha' nas babs te/ the Spirit come down from heaven as a dove (Jn. 1:32), lha rnams mi'i lus su sprul nas nga tsho'i rtsar babs pa yin/ the gods have come down to appear among men (Acts 14:11 SV), nam mkha' nas me babs/ fire came down from heaven (Rev. 20:9); 2) to come to a physically lower place: mo she ri sin las bab tshe/ when Moses came down from Mt. Sinai (Ex. 34:29), rkyang shing las bobs shig come down from the cross (Mt. 27:40).
Buddhist: 1) lha babs dus chen/ the festival of the Buddha's descent from heaven (TRI 301); 2) bka' babs/ [lit. mouth + fall] oral instruction: ti lo pa nas brgyud pa'i bka' babs rnam bzhi la sogs pa'i gdams pa mang po gsan/ he heard many instructions on the four tantric "precept transmissions" from Tilopa (TRC 136).
Secular: 1) to descend from, come down: chibs rta las babs te/ [the Buddha] getting off his horse (SGN 3); 2) to happen, to have circumstances fall a certain way: gzugs po'i babs/ [lit. body + fall] the particular shape, form, or conditions of one's body (TRC 198), rang babs su/ natural condition (TRC 199), da ni ci la bab kyang mi byed do/ from now on, whatever happens, don't be like that (HTE 178); 3) mun pa 'bab/ nightfall: sems la mun pa babs pa/ darkness descending on the mind (TRC 186); 4) dus 'bab/ to be time to da ni rang tshul sbed pa'i dus la bab/ now is the time to keep your own way hidden (HTE 176), da ni mya ngan las 'da' ba'i dus la babs/ now is the time to die (SGN 22); 5) char pa 'bab/ to rain: char pa nyin mtshan bzhi bcu 'bab nas 'dzam gling chur nub po/ after forty days and nights of rain, the world will be flooded (DPD); 6) 'bab thang / airport: gzhis rtse'i zhi bde 'bab thang / Shigatse's Peace Airport (MHP 9); 7) 'bab chu/ tap water: lcags po ri'i rang 'bab chu'i bzo grwa/ the Yaowangshan Tap Water Works (SLR 8); 8) yong 'bab/ income: khong tsho'i yong 'bab ha cang chen po yod pa/ they have a very good income (SLR 11).