[lit. person]
Biblical: person, self: nga tsho'i gang zag rnying pa/ our old self (Rom. 6:6,7), gang zag gsar pa 'god pa po'i dbyibs su gsar du mdzad pa de gyon zhig put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator (Col. 3:10 SV).
Buddhist: 1) According to Bst. psychology, man does not have an enduring self or soul, but is literally "self-less", a doctrine called gang zag gi bdag med/ the selflessness of persons (CNG 5). ma rig pa ni/,,las rgyu 'bras la sogs pa mi shes pa'i rmongs pa dang /,,gang zag gi bdag tu 'dzin pa/ ignorance is the darkness of not knowing about karma, or holding to a self of persons [i.e. believing that persons have a permanent self or soul] (TRC 284); 2) person, individual: gang zag de la skyes bu chen po zer gyi yod pa red/ that person is called the great individual (TRC 218), thar pa don du gnyer ba'i gang zag a person striving for deliverance (TRC 286).
Biblical: self: bdag nyid kyi mtshan gsar pa 'bri bar bya'o/ I will write on him my own new name (Rev. 3:12).
Buddhist: essence: dbang bzhi'i bdag nyid bla ma spyan ras gzigs/ the essence of the four empowerments [is] Chenresi (HTE 184).
Proverbs: bdag nyid dul na gzhan rnams 'dul/,,bdag nyid kho na gdul bar dka'/ when you have disciplined yourself, then tame others; the one hard to subdue is yourself (DMP 82).