Biblical: religion: chos kyi rtsod/ religious disputes (Acts 25:19), nga tsho'i chos lugs kun nas khrims dam po/ according to the strictest sect of our religion (Acts 26:5), chos bzhin spyod pa/ to behave according to religion, put religion into practice (1 Tim. 5:4), 'dre'i chos/ the teaching of demons (1 Tim. 4:1-2).
Buddhist: chos/ [Skt. dharma] 1) doctrines or teachings of the Buddha: nang pa'i chos/ Buddhism, Bst. doctrine, yang dag pa'i chos/ correct doctrine (KTM), rgyud pa'i chos lugs/ tantra (TRC 48); bon gyi chos lugs/ Bon (TRC 114); nang pa sangs rgyas pa'i theg pa chen pa'i chos/ Mahayana Buddhism; 2) phenomenon [a Bst. technical term]: chos kyi bdag med/ the selflessness of phenomena, a key Bst. doctrine (TRI 80); 3) one of the three jewels: chos dkon mchog the dharma jewel (see God).
Cognates: 1) chos lugs/ school, doctrine, sect, religion: 'dzam gling chos lugs/ world religions (DLP 3); ye shu chos lugs/ or ye shu'i chos/ Christianity (DLP 18); khung tsi chos lugs/ Confucianism (DLP 18); hin du chos lugs/ Hinduism (DLP 18); kha che chos lugs/ or dbyi si lam/ Islam (DLP 18); gcer bu ba'i chos lugs/ Jainism (DLP 18); ya hu da pa'i chos lugs/ Judaism (DLP 18); sig gi chos lugs/ Sikhism (DLP 18); ta'o/ Taoism (DLP 18); dzo ra si'i chos lugs/ Zoroastrianism (DLP 18); 2) chos sems can/ [lit. religion + mind + have] religious, devout: mi zhig gis rang chos sems can zhig yin sems/ if anyone thinks himself religious (Jas. 1:26); 3) nang pa'i chos la khas len pa/ to practice the Bst. religion (KTM); 4) chos kyi 'khor lo bskor ba/ [lit. turning the wheel of doctrine] to teach Bst. doctrine (KTM), 5) chos 'chad pa/ to preach or teach religion (KTM); 6) chos mngon pa/ [Skt. abhidharma] see scripture. - Bst. scriptures on the theory of knowledge and cosmology (TRI 81); 7) chos lugs 'du tshogs/ religious affiliation (RRT 282 n. 23); 8) chos srid gnyis ldan/ spiritual and temporal (TRQ 95).