p. blus/
Biblical: to ransom or redeem; usually as rin gyis blu ba/ to redeem with a price: khyed rnams mi rtag pa'i gser ram dngul gyi rin gyis blus pa ma yin/ it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed (1 Pet. 1:18), bka' khrims kyi dmod pa las nga tsho rin gyis blus pa yin no/ [Christ] redeemed us from the curse of the law (Gal. 3:13). Mt. makes the idea of redemption explicit: mang po'i srog tshab la rang srog gtong ba/ gave his life for [in place of] the lives of many (Mt. 20:28).
Buddhist: blu ba/ in a religious sense is to ransom a living thing that is about to be killed (TDC 1916) in order to gain merit: ngas gser lus po'i tshad tsam zhig btsal zin nas khyed rang blu bar phyin pa yin/ I have already found almost your body's weight in gold and went to ransom you (TRC 153).
[lit. ransom + price]
Biblical: a ransom; the price paid to redeem something: khyed blu rin gyis nyos pas/ you were bought at a price (1 Cor. 6:20), de ni thams cad kyi don du rang nyid blu rin du stsal ba'i skyes bu ma shi ka ye shu yin/ the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all men (1 Tim. 2:5,6).
Buddhist: blu rin/ is the price paid for blu ba/ above.
Cognates: 1) srog blu/ to ransom the life of an animal in order to gain merit; 2) blu nyo/ to take goods in exchange for money; to pawn (TDC 1916).