Biblical: 1) lord, an honorific title applied to God and Jesus: gtso bo ye shu/ the Lord Jesus (Mk. 16:19), rang gi dkon mchog gtso bo/ the Lord your God (Mt. 4:10), nga la gtso bo lags/,,gtso bo lags/,,zer mkhan/ those who say to me "Lord, Lord" (Mt. 7:21), gtso bo'i g.yog mo/ the Lord's servant (Lk. 1:38); 2) chief, leader, or prince: 'gong po'i gtso bo/ the prince of demons (Mt.9:34).
Common Phrases: gnam sa gnyis kyi gtso bo/ Lord of heaven and earth (Mt. 11:25,26), shab bad kyi gtso bo/ Lord of the Sabbath (Mt. 12:8), thams cad kyi gtso bo/ Lord of all (Acts 10:36), gzi brjid kyi gtso bo/ the Lord of glory (1 Cor. 2:8), zhi bde'i gtso bo/ the Lord of peace (2 Thes. 3:16), gtso bo rnams kyi gtso bo/ Lord of lords (1 Tim. 6:15), sa gzhi'i gtso bo/ Lord of the earth (Rev. 11:4), gtso bo'i thugs nyid/ the Spirit of the Lord (Lk. 4:18), gtso bo'i bka'/ the word of the Lord (Acts 8:25), gtso bo la 'jigs/ the fear of the Lord (Acts 9:31), gtso bo ye shu'i mtshan/ the name of the Lord Jesus (Acts 19:17), gtso bo dkon mchog gi pho nya/ an angel of the Lord God (Mt. 1:20), gtso bo'i nyin mo/ the day of the Lord (Acts 2:20), gtso bo'i thugs dgongs/ the mind [or will] of the Lord (1 Cor. 2:16), gtso bo'i sku lus dang sku khrag the body and blood of the Lord (1 Cor. 11:27), gtso bo'i las/ the work of the Lord (1 Cor. 16:10), gtso bo ye shu'i thugs rje/ the grace of the Lord Jesus (1 Cor. 16:23).
Buddhist: 1) an honorific applied to accomplished Bst. masters: gtso bo rje btsun mi la ras pa/ the venerable lord Milarepa (TRC 137); 2) chief, main, best, principal: nyon mongs pa de tsho thams cad kyi rtsa ba dang gtso bo/ the root and chief of all the passions (TRC 285), nor kun gyi gtso bo/ the best of all wealth (SGN 16), pan chen rin po che mchog gi gdan sa gtso bo/ the main residence of the Panchen Lama (MHP 8), lam gyi gtso bo rnam pa gsum/ the three principal aspects of the path (CNG 22).
Related Terms: 1) gtso 'dzin mi sna/ a leading figure (SBC 61); 2) nged rnams kyi dpon po rin po che/ Jesus Christ our Lord (ATM; 1762).
Biblical: 1) lord, an honorific title applied to God or Jesus: des jo bo/,,yid ches lags zhus/ "Yes, Lord, we believe" (Mt. 9:28), jo bo lags/,,de ma srid cig "Never, Lord" (Mt. 16:22), kye jo bo/ "O Lord" (Lk. 2:29), rin gyis blus pa'i jo bo/ the Lord who ransomed them (2 Pet. 2:1); 2) other spiritual powers or authorities: lha dang jo bo mang po yod/ there are many "gods" and many "lords" (1 Cor. 8:5).
Buddhist: lord; an honorific used of Bst. teachers and of the Buddha himself, or occasionally of their images: jo bo rje dpal ldan a ti sha/ the lord Atisha (TRC 152), jo bo sha kya mu ni/ the lord Shakyamuni [Buddha] (DPD) or his image (TRI 85).
Biblical: master, owner, lord: ston thog gi bdag po/ the Lord of the harvest (Mt. 9:38), bdag po'i lcog tse/ the masters' table (Mt. 15:27).
Buddhist: master, owner: dge lugs pa'i bstan pa'i bdag po/ the master of the Gelugpa teachings (TRC 53), tshig gi bdag po/ master of words (LKT 4), ngang pa'i bdag po/ the owner of the goose (SGN 4), sman khang de'i bdag po/ the owner of the hospital (DPD), khyi ngan smyo yang bdag po ngos kyis 'dzin/ even if a dog becomes mad, it still knows its master (KPU 33).
[or mgon po/ ]
Biblical: lord nged mgon ye shu/ our Lord Jesus (Eph. 1:3).
Buddhist: 1) mgon/ is a patron or savior (AMD); 2) a member of a class of fierce tantric or Bon gods or spirits who are considered guardians of Bsm. (SGC 121); 3) a title applied to major figures in Bsm: rje btsun byams mgon/ the venerable savior Maitreya Buddha (TRC 24), rtsa ba'i bla ma mgon po spyan ras gzigs/ the root teacher, lord Chenresi (HTE 180), 'jam mgon bla ma tsong kha pa chen po/ the venerable Tshong Khapa (DPD), sems nyid mgon/ the lord of mind nature (HTE 186).
Related Terms: 1) kun dbang / [lit. all power] kye kun dbang /,,dam pa dang drang po/ Sovereign Lord, holy and true (Rev. 6:10), (see almighty); 2) srid byed pa/ to "lord it over", or control: phyi pa'i dpon pos mi sde la srid byed/ the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them (Mt. 20:25); 3) dbang byed pa/ "lord it over", exercise authority over: dbang mi byed par/ without lording it over [them] (1 Pet. 5:3); 4) mnga' mdzad/ to rule: gson po dang gshin po gnyis la mnga' mdzad pa'i phyir ro/ so that he might be the Lord of [lit. rule] both the dead and the living (Rom. 14:9 SV); 5) mnga' bdag Sovereign Lord kye mnga' bdag dam pa dang drang po/ O holy and true Lord (Rev. 6:10 SV).