Biblical: to keep or observe a law, ceremony, or custom: 1) observing the Jewish law: sus kyang bka' khrims mi srung ngo / not one of you keeps the law (Jn. 7:19), mi 'dis shab bad mi srung / this man does not keep the Sabbath (Jn. 9:16), dkon mchog gi bka' srung ba/ keeping God's command (1 Cor. 7:19); 2) obeying instructions: nga'i bka' bsrung ba/ the one who keeps my word (Jn. 8:51), khrims 'di srung zhig keep these instructions (1 Tim. 5:21), rgan po'i gtam rgyud srung / holding to the tradition of the elders (Mk. 7:2,3,4); 3) to guard: ye shu srung mkhan/ those who were guarding Jesus (Mt. 27:54).
Buddhist: 1) to keep or observe monastic vows or rules: tshul khrims bsrung ba rgyal sras lag len yin/ to keep the law is the practice of the sons of the Buddha (GSL 22), mi dge bcu spod gi tshul khrims ma srung pa/ avoiding [lit. not observing] the ten non-virtues (TRC 165), gsang sngags kyi sdom pa'i bsrung bya rnams/ tantric vows (TRC 52); 2) to observe a festival, retreat, or custom: dbyar gnas srung gnang gi red/ the summer retreat is observed [on certain dates] (TRC 50); 3) to maintain a principle: 'gro ba mi'i rigs kyi thun mong ma yin pa'i khyad chos de phyi dngos po dang nang lta ba las khyad du 'phags par brtsi srung byed dgos/ the supremacy of humanity over matter and ideology must always be maintained (DLP 6), ma bu bde srung gi las/ [lit. mother + child + health + maintain] maternal child health care (BFT 19); 4) to secure by posting guards: nyin mtshan med par rgyal sras bsrungs kyang / though the prince was guarded day and night (SGN 8), srung mkhan/ guards (SGN 8); 5) to catch or seize: lu gu ma 'khyer gong la spyang ki srungs/ before the lamb is taken away, you must catch the wolf (KPU 11).
Cognates: 1) srung ma/ deities who defend their worshippers from evil spirits, help them practice religion, and generally protect Bsm. (KTM); 2) srung bya/ a term used in written Tibetan for laws, vows, rules, or commandments (AMD); 3) srung skyob/ protection, security (TRC 330); 4) srung thabs/ ways of guarding one's moral discipline (TRI 289); 5) srung mdud/ strings blessed by lamas and given to their followers as a means of protection (TRI 289).
p. bsgrubs/ f. bsgrub/ imp. sgrub/ [lit. to accomplish, perform, achieve]
Biblical: 1) to keep a vow or an oath: mna' skyel ba de sgrubs shig keep the oaths you have made (Mt. 5:33); 2) to observe the Jewish law: bka' de yang dag par bsgrub na/ if you keep the law perfectly (Jas. 2:8), mdo nang yod pa thams cad sgrub/ keeps all that is in the Scriptures (Gal. 3:10).
Buddhist: 1) to achieve or accomplish: rang gzhan gyi don phun sum tshogs pa sgrub ba/ to accomplish the noble aims of oneself and others (TRC 74), sems can gyi don rgya chen po sgrub pa'i byang chub sems dpa'/ the boddhisattva who accomplishes the vast aim of living creatures (TRC 166), bde skyid kyi bya ba sgrub pa la/ in order to do work for happiness (TRC 168), 'de ba sgrub pa'i thabs/ ways to gain merit or accomplish virtuous deeds (TRC 218), 'phrul bzo rig gnas kyis phyogs gang sar ngo mtshar che ba'i bya ba mang po bsgrubs/ technology has worked wonders in many fields (DLP 1), 'gro ba mis rang gi bde skyid sgrub phyir/ in order to achieve human happiness (DLP 9); 2) to perform or practice: chos kyi bya ba rgya chen po sgrub pa/ to perform the great action of the doctrine (TRC 167), 'di sgrub pa'i tshul/ the way of practicing this (TRC 332), sgrub lugs/ a method or system of religious practice (TRC 333), chos yang dag pa zhig sgrub pa/ the right practice of religion (SGN 7), bshad sgrub gnyis/ teaching and practice (TRC 138); 3) to fulfill: gzhan don sgrub pa/ to fulfill the wishes of others (GSL 22), rang 'gan sgrub/ to fulfill one's responsibilities (KTM), dmangs gtso'i las 'gan gang yang sgrub mi dgos pa/ not having to fulfill any democratic responsibilities (RRT 282-3 n. 24).