[lit. law]
Biblical: khrims/ and compounds are used to describe many aspects of the legal process: 1) khrims dpon/ 1) used of God as Judge: sa gzhi'i khrims dpon khyed nyid yar bzhengs mdzod/ Rise up, O Judge of the earth (Ps. 94:2), bka' khrims gnang mkhan dang khrims dpon ni gcig lags/ there is only one Lawgiver and Judge (Jas. 4:12), thams cad kyi khrims dpon lags pa'i dkon mchog God, the judge of all men (Heb. 12:23); 2) also used of human judges: chos med pa'i khrims dpon/ the unjust judge (Lk. 18:6), kho khrims dpon gyi khri la bsdad yod dus su/ while Pilate was sitting on the judge's seat (Mt. 27:19).
Buddhist: Legal terms are not part of the central doctrines of Bsm., since there is no god or other being to serve as judge. All sins and moral faults are believed to be punished through the action of karma.
Secular: khrims dpon/ is the modern term for judge (AMD), khrims khang / court (DPD), khrims ra/ a literary term for court (KPU 27).
p. bcad/ f. gcad/
Biblical: to make a legal judgement: yis ra el la khrims bcad de/,,dmag la yang thon pa/ he judged Israel and went to war (Jud. 3:10), phyi pa la ngas khrims ci'i phyir gcod/ what business is it of mine to judge those outside the church (1 Cor. 5:12), ma shi ka pas 'jig rten la khrims gcod 'ong / the saints will judge the world (1 Cor. 6:2).
Cognates: 1) khrims zhu ba/ judgement: drang po mi byed pa'i mi rnams kyi drung du khrims zhu bar/ to take the case before the ungodly for judgement (1 Cor. 6:1 SV); 2) khrims su lhung / to fall under judgement: nga rgyal bskyed nas thoms te bdud kyi khrims su lhung gis dogs/ become conceited and fall under the same judgment as the devil (1 Tim. 3:6 SV); 3) khrims log par gcod/ to judge unjustly: khyed rang gi nang na dbyen 'byed cing khrims log par mi gcod dam/ have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts? (Jas. 2:4 SV); 4) khrims 'phog pa/ [lit. law + hit] judgement: snying rje ma byas pa la snying rje med pa'i khrims kyang 'phog par 'gyur/ judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful (Jas. 2:13 SV).
Biblical: 1) legal decision or judgement: zhal che gcad 'os/ subject to judgment (Mt. 5:22), zhal che'i zhag la/ on the Day of Judgment (Mt. 10:15), khong gi zhal che rtogs pa las 'das/ how unsearchable his judgments (Rom. 11:33); 2) zhal che pa/ [hon.] used of God as Judge: 'jig rten thams cad kyi zhal che pas 'os 'tsham mi mdzad dam/ will not the judge of all the earth do right (Gen. 18:25), khong ni zhal che pa'o/ he is the judge (Jn. 8:50).
p. bcad/ f. gcad/ var. zhal lce/ [hon.]
Biblical: to make a legal decision or judgement: khyod kyis smras pa kho na bzhin zhal che gcod do/ I will judge you by your own words (Lk. 19:22), yab kyis su la'ang zhal che mi mdzad/ the Father judges no one (Jn. 5:22,23), dkon mchog gis 'jig rten gyi zhal che ci ltar gcod par 'gyur/ how could God judge the world (Rom. 3:6).
Buddhist: zhal che pa/ is a term for a judge in the classical literature, while khrims dpon/ is the modern term for a courtroom judge (AMD).
p. phog
Biblical: to be judged: rgol ba rnams la chad pa 'phog par 'gyur ro/ those who rebel will bring judgement on themselves (Rom. 13:2 SV), rang la chad pa 'phog pa zhig za zhing 'thung ngo / eats and drinks judgment on himself (1 Cor. 11:29 SV)
[lit. justice, righteousness + do]
Biblical: to judge, make a legal decision: khyed kyis mi'i lugs su gshags byed/ you judge by human standards (Jn. 8:15), khyed tsho'am mi'i khrims ras nga la gshags byed na/ if I am judged by you or by any human court (1 Cor. 4:3), nga'i gshags byed mkhan ni gtso bo lags so/ it is the Lord who judges me (1 Cor. 4:4).
p. brus/ [lit. fault + irritate]
Biblical: to pick out the flaws of others in an irritating fashion, to pass judgement on other people: rang mtshang mi 'bru ba'i phyir gzhan mtshang ma 'bru/ do not judge, or you too will be judged (Mt. 7:1 & Lk. 6:37), ji ltar khyod kyis gzhan mtshang 'bru ba/,,de ltar khyod kyi mtshang yang 'bru bar 'gyur/ in the same way you judge others, you will be judged (Mt. 7:2).
p. byas/ f. bya/ imp. byos/
Biblical: to make a distinction, to distinguish, to discriminate: khyed tsho rang gi nang la dbye ba byed mkhan dang bsam pa ngan pa'i gshags byed mkhan la ma gyur tam/ have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts (Jas. 2:4), de rnams kyis bden rdzun dbye bar 'gyur ro/ they will judge between lies and truth (Mt. 12:27).