[lit. request + various + do]
Biblical: to make a request on behalf of, advocate, or plead: nga tsho'i phyir zhu sna mdzad do/ [the Spirit] intercedes for us (Rom. 8:26), dam pa tsho'i phyir zhu sna mdzad pas/ [the Spirit] intercedes for the saints (Rom. 8:27), nga tsho'i phyir zhu sna mdzad pas/ [Christ Jesus] is interceding for us (Rom. 8:34), khong rgyud nas dkon mchog dang nye bar phyin pa rnams kyi phyir du zhu sna mdzad cing rgyun du bzhugs pas/,,de rnams yongs su skyob nus so/ he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them (Heb. 7:25).
Secular: zhu sna/ the leader of a group presenting a request or petition (TDC 2394).
[lit. middleman, mediator + do]
Biblical: 1) to intercede: nga tsho'i don du bar mi yang mdzad do/ [Christ] is also interceding for us (Rom. 8:34 SV); 2) bar mi byed pa/ to mediate: spun gcig la gcig gis rtsod na bar mi byed par shes mkhan gcig kyang med/ no one to judge a dispute between believers (1 Cor. 6:5 SV).
Secular: bar mi/ one who arranges for settlement of a dispute or makes peace (TDC 1822).
[lit. face + large + do]
Biblical: advocate, intercede: khong gis de dag gi don du ngo chen mdzad pa'i phyir rtag tu gson por bzhugs pas/ he always lives to intercede for them (Heb. 7:25 SV).
Secular: ngo chen/ is an influential patron, protector or helper [also known as a mgo 'dren/ or 'go dren/ ] (TDC 661).