p. dmod/ [lit. curse, insult]
Biblical: to curse or call down imprecations: khos dmod pa bor/ [Peter] called down curses on himself (Mt. 26:74), khyed kyis dmod pa gnang ba'i se yab shing / the fig tree you cursed (Mk. 11:21), khyed la dmod pa rnams la byin rlabs thong / bless those who curse you (Lk. 6:28).
Buddhist: 1) dmod pa 'dor ba/ or dmod bor ba/ to pray for harm to come to someone (TDC 2146), 2) dmod sngags/ an evil mantra or imprecation.
Cognates: 1) dmod mo/ curse, malediction, verbal abuse dmod mo phog pa dag you who are cursed (Mt. 25:41); 2) dmod mo 'debs pa/ to curse or defame; 3) dmod tshig a curse, defined as gzhan gnod kyi smon tshig a prayer for the harm of others (SGC 641).
Biblical: nga glud la 'gyur/ that I would be cursed (Rom. 9:3), gtso bo la mi byams pa de mi glud du gyur cig if anyone does not love the Lord - a curse be on him (1 Cor. 16:22), bka' khrims kyi mdo nang yod pa thams cad sgrub cing mi gnas pa de mi glud yin/ cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law (Gal. 3:10), nga tsho'i tshab tu ma shi ka mi glud du gyur/ Christ became a curse for us (Gal. 3:13).
Buddhist: glud/ a ransom or substitute offering given in a folk Bst. ceremony. An effigy is made of a sick person and the image is then thrown to the evil spirits as a substitute for the ill person himself. The image which is thrown away (a gtor ma/ ) is considered to be "cursed" and it is this special sense of the term that the original translators of the NT adopted the terms glud/ and mi glud/ to mean "curse" [cf. Jaeschke 81]. The terms are not current in this sense outside this very restricted context. See also ransom.
Cognates: glud tshab/ substitute offering, ransom.
p. smad/ f. smad/ imp. smod/
Biblical: to criticize, dishonor, mock, slander, or curse: pha'am ma la smad mkhan/ one who curses father or mother (Mt. 15:4), gzhan gyis smad na nga tshos byin rlabs gtong / when we are cursed, we bless (1 Cor. 4:12).
p. btab/ f. gdab/ imp. thob/
Biblical: to slander, blaspheme, or speak falsely against: dkon mchog la skur pa btab bo/ [they] cursed God (Rev. 16:11).
Buddhist: skur 'debs/ to defame someone or to assert that a Bst. doctrine is untrue (TRI 16).
p. btab/ f. gdab/ imp. thob/ [lit. "perverse prayer"]
Biblical: to curse, to call down imprecations: khyed rang la 'tshe ba rnams la smon log ma 'debs par byin brlabs thongs shig bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse (Rom. 12:14).
Biblical: to verbally oppose, revile, curse: dkon mchog la rgol ba zhus 'chi/ curse God and die (Job 2:9).