p. bkod/ imp. khod/
Biblical: to create, found, or establish: 1) name of the Book of Genesis: 'god pa/ Genesis; 2) to create: dkon mchog gis nam mkha' dang sa bkod do/ God created the heavens and the earth (Gen. 1:1), 'god pa po las bkod pa la lhag par bsnyen bkur byas te/ worshiped created things rather than the Creator (Rom. 1:25), ci yod tshad bkod pa'i dkon mchog God, who created all things (Eph. 3:9).
Buddhist: The creation of the universe is a doctrine not found in Bsm, which assumes the universe is eternal, and subject to periodic destructions and rebirths. Bst. writings mention creation only to deny it: nang pa'i chos lugs su 'jig rten bkod pa po med/ in Tibetan Bsm. there is no Creator (DLP 20), nga tsho nang pa'i chos kyi bshad pa ltar na/,,'dzam gling tshang ma rang bzhin gyi 'byung pa yin pa bshad do/,,nang pa'i chos ltar na spyan ras gzigs kyi sprul pa pre'u gcig mi rnams kyi pha yin pa dang /,,rje btsun sgrol ma'i sprul pa brag srin mo mi rnams kyi ma yin pa bshad do/ according to our Buddhist religion, the world arose by itself. A monkey, the emanation of the god Chenresi, was the father of all men, and a rock-demoness, the emanation of the goddess Dolma, was the mother (DPD).
Cognates: bkod pa'i las/ [lit. established work] fate; about which there are many Tibetan proverbs, e.g. bkod pa'i las la chog shes ma byas na/,,rang sdug rang gis nyo ba don med red/ if you are not content with what fate has decided, then you are looking for suffering (KPU 17).
p. byas/ f. bya/ imp. byos/ [hon. mdzad/ ]
Biblical: do or make: dkon mchog gis mdzad pa'i kha zas/ foods which God created (1 Tim. 4:3), dkon mchog gis mdzad pa thams cad bzang po yin/ all that God created is good (1 Tim. 4:4-5), nam mkha' dang 'jig rten gyi mdzad pa po/ Maker of heaven and earth (ATM; 1762).