[lit. accompany + friend; not in current spoken use (AMD)]
Biblical: a helper or companion, used of the Holy Spirit: khyod dang mnyam rgyun du bzhugs pa'i stongs grogs gzhan zhig another Counselor to be with you forever (Jn. 14:16), stongs grogs thugs nyid dam pa/ the Counselor, the Holy Spirit (Jn. 14:26), yab nas 'byung ba'i stongs grogs/ the Counselor who will come from the Father (Jn. 15:26).
[lit. advice + person]
Biblical: counselor: su khong gi gros mi yod pa yin/ who has been his counselor? (Rom. 11:34 SV).
Cognates: 1) gros dpon/ [advice + minister] official counselor or government advisor: a hi to phel ni rgyal po da bid kyi gros dpon zhig yin/ Ahithophel was King David's counselor (2 Sam. 15:12 NTV); 2) gros rogs byed mkhan/ counselor (ETD 91).
[lit. spirit + heal + person]
Biblical: a counselor or helper: khyod rnams la sems gso pa gzhan zhig gnang bar 'gyur/ he will give you another Counselor (Jn. 14:16 SV), sems gso pa bden pa nyid kyi thugs nyid/ the Counselor, the Spirit of truth (Jn. 15:26 SV).