[lit. word, law]
Biblical: order, command of someone in authority, commandment: dkon mchog gi bka' dang tshul khrims/ God's commandments and regulations (Lk. 1:6), bka' rnams khyod kyis shes so/ you know the commandments (Lk. 18:20), bka' khrims ni dam pa yin te/,,bka' ni dam pa/ the law is holy, and the commandment is holy (Rom. 7:12), bka' khrims kyi bka' re re/ every commandment of the law (Heb. 9:19), dkon mchog gi bka' srung / those who obey God's commandments (Rev. 12:17), bka' bcu/ Ten Commandments.
Buddhist: bka'/ is the speech or authoritative teaching of the Buddha or his successors, especially as recorded in the Bst. scriptures: sangs rgyas kyi bka'/ the scriptures of the Buddha (TRC 75). see scripture.
Cognates: 1) bka' brgyud pa/ Kagyupa: one of the four major schools of Tibetan Bsm. (TRC 135); 2) bka' gdams pa/ Kadampa: precursor of the Gelugpa school (TRC 135); 3) bka' shog a letter of request (KPU 4); 4) bka' lung / oral transmission, prophecy, prediction (TRI 13) also the Tibetan title of the Book of Deuteronomy; 5) bka' bsdu gsum/ the three Bst. councils recognized by Tibetan Bsts (TRI 13).
Biblical: commandment: bka' rgya rnams srungs shig obey the commandments (Mt. 19:17), bka' khrims kyi nang na bka' rgya che shos/ the greatest commandment in the law (Mt. 22:36), bka' rgya 'di gnyis la bka' khrims thams cad dang lung ston pa rnams rag lus pa yin/ on these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets (Mt. 22:40).
Buddhist: bka' rgya ma/ secret (i.e. tantric) instruction (TRC 51).
[lit. word + law]
Biblical: commandment, law: bka' khrims chung shos/ the least of the commandments (Mt. 5:19), bka' khrims bzhin/ according to the commandment (Lk. 23:56).
Biblical: regulations, moral law: dkon mchog gi bka' dang tshul khrims/ God's commandments and regulations (Lk. 1:6), tshul khrims pa/ a righteous man (i.e. one who keeps the moral law) (Mt. 10:41), dad pa'i sgo nas ma btsal bar/,,tshul khrims kyi sgo nas btsal bas/ because they pursued it not by faith but as if it were by works (Rom. 9:32).
Buddhist: ethics, lawful conduct, moral discipline: tshul khrims kyi pha rol tu phyin pa/ the perfection of ethical discipline (KBT 65), mi dge bcu spong ba'i tshul khrims/ lawful conduct which avoids the ten non-virtues (TRC 246), bslab gsum zer yag de tshul khrims/,,ting nge 'dzin/,,shes rab kyi bslab pa/ the three disciplines are the disciplines of lawful conduct, meditation, and understanding (TRC 257), tshul khrims bsrung ba/ to observe moral behavior (GSL 22).
Biblical: advice, counsel: mi'i gdams ngag dang bstan pa/ human commands and teachings (Col. 2:22 SV).
Buddhist: the spiritual practice instructions which a Bst. teacher gives to his disciple: gdams ngag dang slob dpon gyi sgo nas ming btags pa/ [named] by way of their practice instructions or a teacher (TRC 135), theg chen 'pho ba'i gdams ngag ni/ instructions on mahayana transference (UCO 149), bdag 'dzin 'dul ba'i gdams ngag instructions for controlling self-grasping (UCO 150).